Ale - Wikipedia
Ale is a style of beer, brewed using a warm fermentation method. [1] [2] In medieval England, the term referred to a drink brewed without hops. [3] As with most beers, ale typically has a …
爱尔啤酒 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
艾爾(英語: Ale ),是一種啤酒的類型,又譯為麥酒。因發酵溫度較高、果香比較明顯、酒體更濃郁而聞名。在歷史上,艾爾則更常用指為不添加啤酒花釀造的啤酒。
ALE - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
ALE或Ale可以指: 阿勒市镇,瑞典西部西约塔兰省的一个市镇。 薑汁汽水,一種帶有生薑香氣的碳酸飲料。 爱尔啤酒,是一種啤酒的類型,又譯為麥酒。 香港高級程度會考的簡稱之一。
Strong ale - Wikipedia
Strong ale is a type of ale, usually above 5% abv and often higher, between 7 and 11% abv, which spans a number of beer styles, including old ale, barley wine, and Burton ale. [1] [2] [3] …
ALE - 維基百科,自由的百科全書 - zh.wikipedia.org
ALE或Ale可以指: 阿勒市鎮,瑞典西部西約塔蘭省的一個市鎮。 薑汁汽水,一種帶有生薑香氣的碳酸飲料。 愛爾啤酒,是一種啤酒的類型,又譯為麥酒。 香港高級程度會考的簡稱之一。
Ale - Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre
Ale es un nombre que abarca a todas las cervezas de fermentación alta, lo que las diferencia de las lager que son de fermentación baja. Esto quiere decir que en las ales, el proceso de …
Pale ale - Wikipedia
Pale ale is a golden to amber coloured beer style brewed with pale malt. [1][2][3] The term first appeared in England around 1703 for beers made from malts dried with high-carbon coke, …
Automatic link establishment - Wikipedia
Automatic Link Establishment, commonly known as ALE, is the worldwide de facto standard for digitally initiating and sustaining HF radio communications. [1]
Real ale - Wikipedia
Real ale is the name coined by the Campaign for Real Ale (CAMRA) for ale that is "brewed from traditional ingredients, matured by secondary fermentation in the container from which it is …
Old ale - Wikipedia
Old ale is a form of strong ale. The term is commonly applied to dark, malty beers in England, generally above 5% ABV, and also to dark ales of any strength in Australia. [1] . It is …