Exhaust gas cleaning - Alfa Laval
Alfa Laval is the leader in marine scrubbers for wet exhaust gas cleaning, which ensures compliance while using HFO. Alfa Laval PureSOx has been at sea since 2009, and every …
阿法拉伐PureSOx脱硫系统_脱硫塔结构示意图_脱硫塔的工作原理及应用-阿法拉伐 | Alfa …
PureSOx 是处于湿式废气净化系统最前沿的 SOx 洗涤器系统,具有其他洗涤器技术无法比拟的记录。 每个售出的 PureSOx 系统都正在运行,并符合 IMO SOx 法规。 但这只是洗涤器系统招 …
PureSOx - Alfa Laval
Alfa Laval PureSOx offers economical fuel sulphur compliance, both with global limits and with those in the expanding number of Emission Control Areas (ECAs). Effective in open-loop or …
PureNOx - Alfa Laval
Alfa Laval PureNOx has long been the choice for water treatment in Exhaust Gas Recirculation (EGR), a leading technology for Tier III NOx compliance. Today it’s available in an even more …
Alfa Aesar试剂网 - labgogo.com
Alfa Aesar (阿法埃莎) 是全球首屈一指的科研化学品、金属和材料的生产商及供应商,现属于Thermo Fisher Scientific的一部分。 半个世纪以来,无数科研人员凭借Alfa Aesar提供的高纯度 …
阿法埃莎(中国)化学有限公司 简介_电话_地址_产品报价 …
Alfa Aesar (阿法埃莎) 即现在的 Thermo Fisher Scientific,是全球首屈一指的科研化学品、金属和材料的生产商及供应商。 半个世纪以来,无数科研人员凭借Alfa Aesar提供的高纯度原材料进 …
3008 的Aisin 跟 EGC 有甚麼差別? - Mobile01
2011年1月7日 · Aisin 跟 EGC 除了手自排跟自手排的差別外,還有甚麼問題嗎? 為什麼同一台車,一個用Aisin的變速箱,一個用EGC,難道EGC有甚麼問題嗎? 有注意到 3008 AISIN 變速箱 …
Exhaust gas cleaning - Alfa Laval
Alfa Laval’s advanced heat transfer, filtration and high speed separation solutions ensure engines perform efficiently, with the lowest life-cycle costs and minimal impact on the environment.
There are a number of compliance options, each of which has different technical and operational challenges. on low-sulphur residual and distillate fuels, and in the longer term alternatives …
アルファラバル分離講座vol1_遠心分離の基本原理.mp4 - Alfa …
This is a vol.1 of the lecture regarding "Basic knowledge of Separation" by Mr. Yutaka AOKI the expert of Separation technologies in Alfa Laval Japan. Toggle navigation Menu