Imam Hussain Poetry - Imam Hussain Shayari - ہماری ویب
Check out the complete collection of Imam Hussain Poetry. Several poets have written Poetry on Imam Hussain and displayed their love for the grandson of Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him). In the month of Muharram, a large number of people listen and recite Poetry of different famous poets related to Imam Hussain.
Allama Iqbal’s poem on Imam Hussain R.A. from Payam-e …
2015年8月12日 · Original Persian Text below with Urdu. I long for arrows, spear and swords. I long for company of Imam Hussain [who battled evil and lost life, yet never surrendered]. See how I gather straw to make…
Allamah Iqbal and Imam Hussain (AS) - International Shia News Agency
2022年8月10日 · Here is some of Iqbal’s poetry about Imam Hussain. Haqeeqat e abadi hey maqaam e Shabbiri. Badaltey rehtey hei’n andaaz e kufi o shami. (Bal e Jibril) حقیقت ابدی ہے مقام شبیری. بدلتے رہیں ہیں انداز کوفی و شامی. Hussain (AS) was the symbol of devotion to truth and love for God.
Allama Iqbal Poetry on Imam Hussain in Urdu Text - Showbiz Hut
2023年7月12日 · Imam Hussain poetry by famous poet Allama Iqbal in Urdu Text to share with family and friends. In the memory of tragic incident of Karbala, every year especially in the months of Muharram Imam Hussain is remembered by Muslims all over the World.
2014年10月26日 · Dr Iqbal expresses his extreme love for Imam Husayn. Just as Almighty Allah loves to listen to the invocation of the orphans, he also has the same kind of love for the martyr of Karbala. Dr Iqbal has a sincere and genuine faith in Imam Husayn.
Poetry in praise of Hazrat Imam Husain: Allama Iqbal's Urdu …
For centuries, poets have been penning poetry on the supreme sacrifice of Imam Husain, the grandson of Prophet Muhammad. Imam Husain achieved martyrdom along with his companions at the battle of Karbala, fighting against the evil Yazid. Read Allama Iqbal's Nazm [verse] that pays tribute to Hussain.
[shia_strength] (Poem) Allama Iqbal on Hazrat Imam Hussain (a.s ...
2010年12月15日 · Dr Iqbal here compares two things Shabbiri or Husayniyat, i-e. principles enunciated and adhered to by Imam Husayn, and Yazidiyat, i.e. worldly power and authority. Husayn was the symbol of devotion to and love for Allah, i.e. submission to none except Allah.
Hazrat Allama Iqbal (r) on Hazrat Imam Hussain (as) - POiSON …
2012年11月26日 · Allama Iqbal on Imam Hussain Dr Muhammad Iqbal (1877- 1938) known to the world as the Poet-Philosopher of the East, devoted his life to awaken the Muslim Ummah and to make it pursue the path of spirituality, knowledge, jihad, sacrifice and martyrdom. Dr Iqbal had an abiding faith in Ahlul Bayt (the Chosen Descendants of
Allama Iqbal and Ahlul-Bayt…Iqbal's poems on Hazrat Ali, Hazrat …
2009年8月11日 · Dr Iqbal here compares two things Shabbiri or Husayniyat, i-e. principles enunciated and adhered to by Imam Husayn, and Yazidiyat, i.e. worldly power and authority. Husayn was the symbol of devotion to and love for Allah, i.e. submission to none except Allah.
Top Shayari on Imam Hussain in Urdu | Hussaini Poetry - poetry …
Shayari on Imam Hussain in Urdu is our topic of the day which is read and shared a lot during Muharram days. Imam Hussain proved by attaining martyrdom for his family and himself in Karbala, how one who follows the right path and resists oppression lives for the rest of this world and gets reward in the hereafter as well.