Alloa Academy - Home Page
Alloa Academy is a six year comprehensive secondary school within Clackmannanshire Council.
Alloa Academy - Wikipedia
Alloa Academy is a six-year state-funded school, serving the town of Alloa in Clackmannanshire, Scotland. The pupil intake comes from four "feeder" primary schools, [1] Redwell, Sunnyside, St. Mungo's and Park, and varies from a middle class area to an area of severe deprivation, see nuclear power plant [citation needed]. The school moved to ...
Alloa Academy - Clackmannanshire
Visit the Alloa Academy website. You can also refer to the school handbook, which is available on our website. Details of Clackmannanshire's nursery, primary, secondary and special schools.
ALLOA ACADEMY - 01259 214979 - Google Sites
Welcome to our new S1 pupils and their parents. This site will help you get to know your new school and be prepared for the new term. Dear Parent/Carer, I would like to welcome you to Alloa...
Alloa Academy - Contact Us
Alloa Academy is a purpose-built modern building. We are located at the bottom of Bowhouse Road, Alloa, to the south of the town on the edge of the River Forth. Email: [email protected] . Email for parents/carers to report pupil absence: [email protected] or send a text to: 07860 029274.
Staff - Alloa Academy
Alloa Academy. Welcome to our website. Senior Leadership Team. Steven McGuckin - Headteacher. John Bryce - Depute Headteacher (S1 & 2 Year Head) Iaian Kirkpatrick - Acting Depute Headteacher (S3 Year Head) Liz Thomson - Acting Depute Headteacher (S4 Year Head)
Alloa Academy | Inspection Report - Education Scotland
We will share results to evidence questionnaires where possible. Individual responses to evidence surveys may be withheld. If fewer than ten people respond, we are unable to share responses. We may publish an overview of results subject to statistical disclosure controls. This is to protect the confidentiality and anonymity of those who respond.
Alloa Academy Map - School - Clackmannanshire, Scotland, UK
Alloa Academy is a six-year state-funded school, serving the town of Alloa in Clackmannanshire, Scotland. Mapcarta, the open map.
In January 2024, a team of inspectors from Education Scotland visited Alloa Academy. During our visit, we talked to parents/carers and young people and worked closely with the headteacher and staff. The inspection team found the following strengths in the school’s work.
Alloa Academy is a comprehensive secondary school located in the town of Alloa, Clackmannanshire. The school has four associated primary schools. The headteacher has been in post since August 2022. He is supported by four depute headteachers – two of whom are in substantive posts. Attendance is generally above the national average.