AN / ALQ-161A B-1B Countermeasure System - L3Harris
The AN/ALQ-161A system is an integrated RF electronic countermeasures system designed specifically for the B-1B bomber aircraft. The system is designed to detect and counter all modes of radar based weapon systems and also provides a tail warning function to detect and counter incoming missiles from the aft sector.
electronic warfare (EW) avionics B-1 bomber | Military Aerospace
2020年6月11日 · The AN/ALQ-161A helps B-1 bomber crews identify, acquire, and defend against enemy radar and missile systems. Built by L3Harris legacy company AIL Systems Inc., the AN/ALQ-161A is a totally ...
AN/ALQ-161A Defensive Avionics System - Federation of …
The AN/ALQ-161A Defensive Avionics System on the B-1B bomber identifies, acquires, denies enemy radars and missiles. Built by AIL Systems Inc., the AN/ALQ-161A is a totally integrated RF Countermeasures system
Edwards BAF provides B-1B’s AN/ALQ-161A countermeasure …
2018年11月16日 · This collaboration delivered a “first-ever” installed systems ground test that demonstrated closed loop operationally representative effectiveness. More than 64 test points from 129 test runs were collected against the B-1B Lancer AN/ALQ-161A electronic countermeasure system via two LIVE models.
美空军升级B-1B轰炸机机载防御性电子对抗系统 - 新浪网
2004年7月9日 · 为提升B-1B轰炸机的作战性能,美国空军在2004年上半年斥资约2千1百万美元,维护并升级该型轰炸机的机载AN/ALQ-161防御性电子对抗系统。 AN/ALQ-161由108个外场可更换单元组成,包括电缆、显示器、控制器,总重量约为5200磅,最大干扰输出功率为120千瓦,需要一个操作员进行监视和控制。 计算机根据射频监视系统测量到的雷达威胁和预先存储的有关威胁的信息进行功率管理。 AN/ALQ-161电子对抗系统主要用于探测和识别敌方威胁,并采取相应 …
This thesis looks at the maintenance procedures associated with the defensive electronic counter measure (ECM) system on the B-1B, designated the AN/ALQ-161. Computer simulation of the current line-replaceable-unit maintenance network for Ellsworth AFB and Dyess AFB is modeled.
AN/ALQ-161. The effectiveness of repair operations is measured by work in process (WIP) time and ma-chine utilization. Of immediate concern is examining the effects of resource collaborations among units and determining if this has an immediate impact on the availability of the B-1 Bomber weapon system.
飞机资料库 之 B1-B轰炸机(美国) - Sina.cn
2018年6月20日 · 在b-1b的自卫系统中,an/alq-161电子战系统起着核心作用,能够有效的干扰各种早期预警雷达和火控雷达。其内置程序安装在一部ibmap-101f微机内。an/alq-161还包含了诺斯罗普·格鲁曼公司的干扰机、雷声公司的相位阵列天线和一个能监视尾部半球情况的告警雷达。
美国空军改进B-1B轰炸机的电子战系统 (附图)_新浪军事_新浪网
2003年4月25日 · 终止防御系统升级计划结余下来的2亿美元中的部分资金将用于ale-50诱饵的改进,其它干扰物箱的采购、波形发生器的进一步改进,an/alq-161"大脑"--预 ...
Overview — AN/ALQ-161 — Electronic Support …
The AN/ALQ-161A is the first fully integrated U.S. airborne defensive avionics system in operational service. It is fitted to the Rockwell B-1B strategic bomber for the U.S. Air Force. The central feature of the ALQ-161 is its ability to monitor threat emitters, intercept and classify them and begin jamming additional emissions even as other ...
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