ast. level was 38 and alt 35. does that indicate liver enzyme …
2018年4月5日 · Normal: Those numbers for ast and alt are in the normal range.
I am 33 yrs old .my alt is 35 and ast is 45 . is it worrying? rest of ...
2021年8月28日 · I have alcohol use disorder and am now recently sober. Blood tests from 2 weeks ago with AST 135, ALT 175. Laboratory ULN was 33. Bilirubin was a bit low. MCV a bit …
my liver lab result just came sgot/ast 35 sgpt/alt 79 gamma
2018年6月10日 · Usually a woman should have an ALT less than 35, but with the incidence of obesity and fatty liver on the rise, these values seem to have been drifting higher. Answered …
what means bun/creatinine ratio and elevated alt? | HealthTap
2018年12月6日 · I have high BUN and BUN/creatinine ratio (normal creatinine). I also have high ALT(SGPT). I understand the BUN can come from high dietary protein, but what does the ALT …
I have high bun and bun/creatinine ratio (normal creatinine). i also ...
2022年10月19日 · My recent metabolic panel reports high BUN(24), high BUN/creatinine ratio(28) and high ALT(35). Could this be from high protein? Mean fluid intake 2.5L,mean urinary output …
ast elevated (65), alt elevated (50) and total bilirubin elevated (3.0 ...
2018年7月10日 · Ast. Level was 38 and ALT 35. Does that indicate liver enzyme function as normal? Following up on question about bilirubin at level of 1.4. Thanks My liver enzymes are …
What does the bilirubin level of 35 indicate? - HealthTap
2018年7月30日 · Ast. Level was 38 and ALT 35. Does that indicate liver enzyme function as normal? Following up on question about bilirubin at level of 1.4. Thanks What do high levels of …
Why will my liver function alt be 130 and ast 79? - HealthTap
2019年3月26日 · Please describe a good reading for ast/sgot and alt/sgpt on the liver function tests? Ast. Level was 38 and ALT 35. Does that indicate liver enzyme function as normal? …
my sgpt(alt) level is 39 where as the normal range for females is ...
2018年2月24日 · Alt (sgpt) 39, iron serum 160, vit D 22.1 - all other levels normal. I'm 49 year old female. What r some possible concerns with my levels? My sgpt(alt) is 89 where ref. Range is …
What does a bilirubin level of 35 indicate - HealthTap
My 16 years old son has ast level of 35, bilirubin 3.8, phosphatase level of 166. he is athletic, playing baseball, lifting, and football player. 2 doctors weighed in across 2 answers