What does a evlevation of 59 in the ALT blood test mean?
What does a ALT level of 37H mean on a blood test... What does it mean when the ast is 157 and the alt is 143 in ... What does it mean when a test for rheumatiod factor reads 59 ...
Understanding ALT Levels: Expert Answers to Your Questions
Customer: My ALT levels are slightly elevated at 59. The doctor says this is from drinking alcohol. I rarely drink maybe once a month. Everything else is normal. Should I be worried? Doctor's …
AST 59, ALT 109 in 26yo Male: Should I Worry? | Q&A - JustAnswer
My labs for ast were74 and alt 59. MY GGT was22 Chloesterol200 HDL85 LDL97 ratio 1.14Hep and C neg DrRussMD | Internal Medicine--practice all of internal medicine, all ages, family, …
Expert Answers on Elevated AST, ALT Levels and NIDDM Meaning
Customer: I just got back lab results today with elivated AST (Got) 59 range 0-32 and ALT (GPT) 78 range 0-33. triglycerides h 208 range 0-200 fast glucose 151-family history NIDDm and …
I read my blood test results and my liver enzymes are elevated at.
ALT 59 IU/l and AST 41 IU/l this was recently last year when I came back from the hospital they said my enzymes were elevated as well. Months ago I used to take Tylenol every 4 hours a …
I have slightly elevated lever enzymes (AST 46; ALT 59
Customer: I have slightly elevated lever enzymes (AST 46; ALT 59). Aldolase is 14. CPK is 886 (with evidence of Macro CK Type 1). ANA was negative. SED rate is 1. An unltrasound of my …
Is a Cholesterol Level of 220 Concerning? Expert Answers
Customer: My husband has 59 as Alt, 220 colesterol, other values ok. ALT was slightly high last year (46) and in 2013 he had perimiocardits with Alt and Got above 200 then lowered to …
I Have a GI question. My labs for ast were74 and alt 59
Customer: I Have a GI question. My labs for ast were74 and alt 59. MY GGT was22 Chloesterol200 HDL85 LDL97 ratio 1.14Hep b and C neg What would these tests signify and …
Fixing 2000 4Runner Codes 41, 59, 33, 34 - ABS & Alt Issues
I have a 2000 4Runner throwing codes 41, 59, 33, 34. alt tested ok, but I do have a lot of accessory power running off Mechanic's Assistant chat Customer: I have a 2000 4Runner …
I just got my Lab results and my MPV was 11.1, my ALT 59
Customer: I just got my Lab results and my MPV was 11.1, my ALT 59, my HDL 29 and LDL 58, my TSH described as highly sensitive T4, Free 4.86, my PSA 0.6. All of these are in the …