Alwin 469 Sport Preferent AAA - Black Pearl Friesians
Alwin 469 is a permanently approved KFPS stallion. Alwin 469 has been a public favorite for years, wherever he goes he makes it another exceptional show, including winning twice as the …
Alwin 469 Sport AAA Preferent — Boonstra Friesians
Alwin 469 Sport AAA Preferent is an exceptional newly-declared Preferent stallion with unsurpassed breeding values in virtually every category, posting outstanding overall scores for …
Alwin 469 - Details - www.kfps-hengste.de
2008年4月14日 · Alwin 469 sport pref wurde im Rahmen der Hengstkörung 2022 zum 39. preferenten Hengst erklärt. Am 05.02.2024 wurde via fb bekannt, dass Alwin 469 in die USA …
Alwin 469 - Pedigree - www.kfps-hengste.de
Pedigree of Alwin 469 Sport AAA Preferent : Alwin 469 Sport Pref. Height: 1.7 m : Felle 422 Sport Height: 1.67 m
Stallion Alwin 469 sport preferent AAA - De Nieuwe Heuvel
Two years in a row Alwin 469 won the championship for older stallions and also in 2021 he performed in the champion’s ring. In hand, but also in the long lines, he shows a spacious step …
Welcome Alwin 469 Sport Preferent AAA to the US - Fhana
2024年2月6日 · We would like to Welcome Alwin 469 Sport Preferent AAA to the US. He is owned by Black Pearl Friesians and Miley Friesians. Every year Alwin 469 has managed to impress …
Alwin 469 Sport AAA (Archived) - Superior Equine Sires
Alwin 469 was described as friendly and attentive at his Central Examination in 2011 where he was named a model AAA stallion for scoring over 82 points. Alwin moves with great tact, …
Alwin 469 werd in het najaar van 2011 goedgekeurd als driejarige hengst, op basis van z’n kwalitatief ruim voldoende afstamming, z’n ruim voldoende exterieur en z’n goede verrichting …
Hengst Alwin 469 Sport Preferent AAA - De Nieuwe Heuvel
Stempelhengst Alwin 469 heeft zich bewezen als keurings- en sportpaarden vererver. Zijn teller staat momenteel op een uitzonderlijke Sterpercentage van 67% bij de merries, 5 Model-, 24 …
Alwin 469 Sport Pref AAA ... - Black Pearl Friesians LLC
2025年1月22日 · Alwin 469 has been a public favorite for years, wherever he goes he makes it another exceptional show, including winning twice as the Sr Stallion at the Stallion Show in the …