A Major 9 Chord On The Guitar (A Maj 9) - Online Guitar Books
The A Major 9 chord (A Maj 9) contains the notes A, C#, E, G# and B. It is produced by taking the 1 (root), 3, 5, 7 and 9 of the A Major scale. It is essentially an A Major 7 chord with an added 9. It's a beautiful, serene chord. Here's how to play A Major 9.
Amaj9 Guitar Chord | A major ninth | Scales-Chords
Amaj9 for Guitar has the notes A C# E G# B and can be played 5 different ways. Get the charts and learn about its interval structure: 1 3 5 7 9.
在钢琴、吉他和尤克里里上的Amaj9和弦 | Musicca
A大九和弦(英文简写为Amaj9和弦)为五音和弦,由A、C ♯ 、E、G ♯ 和B五个音组成。在此和弦的组成中,是将A大七和弦加上一个大九度音。 在实务上,Amaj9和弦的五度音(E)有时会被省略,因为并非总是能够同时演奏所有的音。
Amaj9 chord on guitar
Amaj9 Guitar Chord | How To Create and Play the A Major Ninth chord Welcome to our tutorial on the A maj9 chord , a beautiful and rich sounding chord that belongs to the Major Chords family. The A maj9 chord is composed of the notes A, C#, E, G#, and B.
A大调吉他9和弦 | 标准吉他 - Standard Guitar
A大调吉他9和弦又称为 Amaj9, AM9. 用第一根手指覆盖从第一琴弦到第四琴弦在第二个品格上
Amaj9和弦应该怎么按? - 知乎
Amaj9的组成音是6 #1 3 #5 7,可以这么按 5弦空弦(6),4弦2品(3),3弦4品(7),2弦2品(#1),1弦4品(#5)
在鋼琴、吉他和烏克麗麗上的Amaj9和弦 | Musicca
A大九和弦(英文簡寫為Amaj9和弦)為五音和弦,由A、C ♯ 、E、G ♯ 和B五個音組成。在此和弦的組成中,是將A大七和弦加上一個大九度音。 在實務上,Amaj9和弦的五度音(E)有時會被省略,因為並非總是能夠同時演奏所有的音。
A maj9 Guitar Chord Chart and Fingering (A Major 9)
Here are 6 voicings of the Amaj9 guitar chord, with a chord chart to each voicings' fingering. These A Major 9 guitar chord variations can be interchanged freely. If it sounds good, it is good!
吉他Amaj9和弦怎么按?谢了! - 百度知道
2012年9月9日 · 吉他Amaj9和弦是以A为主音构成的九和弦,首调唱名为13572,使用时省略三音或五音,省略三音的和弦把位是吉他的六五一二弦空弦,三弦一品,四弦二品,构成音是515725。
Amaj9 Guitar Chord Chart | A Major 9 | Standard Tuning
Chord chart diagrams for the Amaj9 chord in Standard tuning. Known as the A Major 9 or AMA9, AMAJ9, AM9 chord. Learn 20 different voicings of the Amaj9 chord on guitar with printable chord charts.