Amla Benefits: The Latest Research | NutritionFacts.org
Amla, also known as Indian gooseberry, is one of the most antioxidant-rich foods on Earth.Though unfamiliar to many, particularly in Western countries, powdered and dried amla fruit is …
Amla Benefits for Fighting Cancer Cell Growth - NutritionFacts.org
Jan 12, 2012 · This is a graph of cell growth, cancer cell growth, at different amla concentrations. Here’s human breast, liver, and lung cancer cells starting out powering away at 100% growth. …
Amla (Dried Indian Gooseberry) vs. Lipitor for Cholesterol
May 18, 2021 · Amla extract also appears to decrease the effects of stress on the heart. Researchers had people plunge their hands into ice water and keep them there until the pain …
Amla vs. Drugs for Cholesterol, Inflammation, & Blood-Thinning
Sep 4, 2020 · The amla extract was also compared to the blood-thinning drugs, aspirin and Plavix, often prescribed after heart attacks, and achieved about three-quarters of the same platelet …
Amla: Indian gooseberries vs. cancer, diabetes, and cholesterol
Jan 17, 2012 · Last week, in Amla Versus Cancer Cell Growth and Amla Versus Cancer Cell Invasion, I documented some of these recent findings. In this morning’s video-of-the-day Amla …
The Best Antioxidant: Dragon's Blood vs. Amla - NutritionFacts.org
Jan 25, 2012 · So, the winner for the most antioxidant-packed, non-contaminated, non-mutagenic whole food on the planet: the dried Indian gooseberry powder (amla). To see any graphs, …
The Most Antioxidant-Packed Whole Food - NutritionFacts.org
May 13, 2021 · Amla is so revered that you can find serious scientists at serious academic institutions making statements like this in serious peer-reviewed medical journals: “Every part …
Amla for Treating Diabetes and Bad Cholesterol - NutritionFacts.org
Jan 17, 2012 · Amla has been used safely for centuries, but these researchers did actually find three dramatic side effects. In addition to bringing their blood sugars down, amla lowered their …
A Healthier Breakfast Packed with Antioxidants - NutritionFacts.org
Jan 19, 2012 · Now, that used to be my breakfast smoothie, but now, a teaspoon of that gooseberry powder [+782], and we’re off the charts again. Look at it. That’s about four cents’ …
Amla vs. Cancer Cell Invasion - NutritionFacts.org
Jan 13, 2012 · So these researchers took human breast cancer cells, and basically put them on a block of Jell-O, to see if the Indian gooseberries—amla—could prevent the invasion of the …