Ammosaurus - Dinosaur Dictionary
2023年12月17日 · Ammosaurus, also known as the “sand lizard”, was a small sauropodomorph dinosaur that lived during the Early and Middle Jurassic Period of North America. It measured over 4.3 meters (14 feet) in length and stood about 1.8 meters (6 feet) tall.
砂龙 - 百度百科
砂龙是近蜥龙科 蜥臀目 的一种脊索动物,生活于 侏罗纪 早至中期的北美洲。 它约有4米长,但较其他蜥脚形亚目的恐龙小型。 它可以双足或四足行走,而且可能是杂食性的 [1]。 砂龙的 化石 原先是在美国康乃狄克州的纽瓦克超群中的波特兰地层。 根据大量吞入肚内用作磨碎植物的胃石在下腹被发现,以及小型 蜥蜴 (Clevosaurus)的 头颅骨。 显示了这种恐龙是杂食性的,主要以植物为食,偶尔一些肉类为食物。 砂龙的属名是由古希腊文的“ammos”而来,意即“砂地”,是指发 …
砂龍屬 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
砂龍屬(屬名:Ammosaurus)是蜥腳形亞目 近蜥龍科 恐龍的一個屬,生活於侏羅紀早至中期的北美洲。 砂龍的身長約有4米,但與其他蜥腳形亞目 恐龍 相比,體型較小型。
Ammosaurus - Natural History Museum
Explore Ammosaurus, a plant-eating prosauropod dinosaur in the Dino Directory.
Ammosaurus: Discover the Early Jurassic Sand Lizard
Ammosaurus was a primitive sauropod dinosaur that lived in what is now North America during the Early Jurassic period, about 195 to 180 million years ago. It was one of the first dinosaurs to be discovered in the USA, and its name means “sand lizard”.
砂龙属 - 百度百科
砂龙属(marsh, 1891) 是近蜥龙科下的一个属,生活于早侏罗纪的北美洲。砂龙属(Ammosaurus)动物体长约有4米长,但较其它蜥脚形亚目的恐龙细少。它可以双足或四足行走,而且可能是杂食性的。
Ammosaurus | Description, Size, Fossil, Diet, & Facts
2023年2月11日 · Ammosaurus (“sand Lizard”) is a genus of sauropodomorphs that was found in during the Early as well as the Middle Jurassic Period of North America. It was a multi-faceted animal that was able to move bipedally and quadruple, and could be Omnivorous.
Ammosaurus - Ammosaurus - Animal Information
Ammosaurus, a herbivorous dinosaur, had a long neck and tail, but its front legs were shorter than its hind legs, making it look like a prehistoric kangaroo! The Ammosaurus, an extinct genus of dinosaur, had a unique and fascinating physical appearance. It was a relatively small dinosaur, measuring about 6-7 meters in length.
Ammosaurus Dinosaur, Facts | Information - Dinosaurs Extinction
Ammosaurus Dinosaur ("lizard of the sand") has been recognized by four incomplete skeletons found in United States and Canada regions. The first Ammosaurus skeleton was established in the late 1880s by a group of construction workers in the Connecticut Valley in the US, who were constructing, a bridge at the time.
Ammosaurus - Paleontology Wiki | Fandom
Ammosaurus ("sand lizard") is a genus of sauropodomorph dinosaur from the Early Jurassic Period of North America. At 4 meters (13 feet) in length, it was small compared to some other members of its suborder, which included the largest animals ever to walk the Earth. It was a versatile animal...