Ammosaurus - Dinosaur Dictionary
2023年12月17日 · Ammosaurus, also known as the “sand lizard”, was a small sauropodomorph dinosaur that lived during the Early and Middle Jurassic Period of North America. It measured …
砂龙 - 百度百科
砂龙是近蜥龙科 蜥臀目 的一种脊索动物,生活于 侏罗纪 早至中期的北美洲。 它约有4米长,但较其他蜥脚形亚目的恐龙小型。 它可以双足或四足行走,而且可能是杂食性的 [1]。 砂龙的 化 …
砂龍屬 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
砂龍屬(屬名:Ammosaurus)是蜥腳形亞目 近蜥龍科 恐龍的一個屬,生活於侏羅紀早至中期的北美洲。 砂龍的身長約有4米,但與其他蜥腳形亞目 恐龍 相比,體型較小型。
Ammosaurus - Natural History Museum
Explore Ammosaurus, a plant-eating prosauropod dinosaur in the Dino Directory.
Ammosaurus: Discover the Early Jurassic Sand Lizard
Ammosaurus was a primitive sauropod dinosaur that lived in what is now North America during the Early Jurassic period, about 195 to 180 million years ago. It was one of the first dinosaurs …
砂龙属 - 百度百科
砂龙属(marsh, 1891) 是近蜥龙科下的一个属,生活于早侏罗纪的北美洲。砂龙属(Ammosaurus)动物体长约有4米长,但较其它蜥脚形亚目的恐龙细少。它可以双足或四足 …
Ammosaurus | Description, Size, Fossil, Diet, & Facts
2023年2月11日 · Ammosaurus (“sand Lizard”) is a genus of sauropodomorphs that was found in during the Early as well as the Middle Jurassic Period of North America. It was a multi-faceted …
Ammosaurus - Ammosaurus - Animal Information
Ammosaurus, a herbivorous dinosaur, had a long neck and tail, but its front legs were shorter than its hind legs, making it look like a prehistoric kangaroo! The Ammosaurus, an extinct genus of …
Ammosaurus Dinosaur, Facts | Information - Dinosaurs Extinction
Ammosaurus Dinosaur ("lizard of the sand") has been recognized by four incomplete skeletons found in United States and Canada regions. The first Ammosaurus skeleton was established …
Ammosaurus - Paleontology Wiki | Fandom
Ammosaurus ("sand lizard") is a genus of sauropodomorph dinosaur from the Early Jurassic Period of North America. At 4 meters (13 feet) in length, it was small compared to some other …