Ampeg Cab difference and recommendations - TalkBass.com
2024年10月23日 · Ampeg – Bass guitar amplification Ampeg is a Bass amp instrument manufacturing company that specializes in bass guitar amplification and effects. For over 60 years Ampeg has been providing amplification solutions for professional bass players and aspiring bassists looking for the best bass practice amps.
Ampeg Bass cab questions - TalkBass.com
2009年12月30日 · I have a SVT7pro head and a HSVT-410HLF cab - Ive done small rooms up to outdoor gigs with this setup. the classic SVT410 cab can get boomy in the lower end - the heritage one is tighter in the lower end I intend to update my rig to an Ampeg V12 head and Ampeg Venture VB410 or possibly Venture VB212.
Opinion of Ampeg SVT-410HLF greatly elevated - TalkBass.com
2023年10月16日 · I have a lot of stuff, mostly single 15” cabs, but I have an old 2x15 cab that was a Peavey at birth, I have an old Peavey 410, an Ampeg SVT 210 AV, a few 1x12 cabs. I usually play through a Fender Rumble 115 with an upgraded speaker with the Ampeg sitting vertical on top, driven by either a GK MB500 or a Markbass Blackline Little Mark 250.
Ampeg V4B Cab Question - TalkBass.com
2024年12月8日 · So, I have an Ampeg v4b that I have been running at 8 ohms (it has a switch on the back that you can switch either 8 or 4 ohm output). Running into an 8 ohm Trace Elliot 4x10 cab. In order to get loud enough for band practice / gigs, I generally have the volume at around 75%. I do know that the...
Cab Impulse Response Megathread - TalkBass.com
2016年2月29日 · AMPG BASS - $29.99 : OwnHammer.com - Store Unfortunately there are only two bass cabs: Ampeg SVT-210AV bass cabinet; Ampeg SVT-410HLF bass cabinet; The bass pack is quite pricey in comparison to the RedWirez.
Ampeg PR410HLF The Best Ampeg Cab Ever?! - TalkBass.com
2009年12月24日 · IMHO . . . the best cab Ampeg ever made. Ever! Classic 810's included . . . 56 oz. Cast frame speakers in a nuclear bomb proof, heavy cab. Fully adjustable horn, front-ported. Heaven on a bun!!! I own one, and any reputable amp sounds like dynamite through this cab.
What cab for Ampeg BA 210 v2 - TalkBass.com
2011年1月11日 · SH, as for what extension cab, the PF210he comes closest to matching what's in the BA210 v2. However, your Traynor cab should work on a technical level. Whether it works on an ear-pleasing level is something for you to decide, …
Ampeg SVT-410HLF 4x10" bass cab blown speakers - TalkBass.com
2016年1月12日 · There is a smaller Ampeg cab, SVT-210HE, that uses two of those speakers in series, plus the horn. The cab is ported and it has the same crossover as the 410; full range signal to the 10"s, filter only for the horn. You could build a copy of that cab, but the material required would probably cost almost as much as getting the two drivers reconed...
Ampeg V4 as a bass cab.... - TalkBass.com
2009年3月15日 · Ampeg V4 is from the 70's, BW 1820 is from the 80's ( pretty sure), and my bass is SGC Nanyo SB320 from 91. Nanyo went out of business in 93. The lame-ish part comes in when I'm trying to find out specs on gear, or get some darn customer support lol
Cab Dilemma - Ampeg vs Aguilar - TalkBass.com
2022年4月5日 · If the Aggie is an objectively much better cab I'm willing to sacrifice some tone for a cab that will last me a while. Tl;dr: How does an Ampeg PF115HE (or possibly 210HE) compare to the Aguilar SL112 - mainly volume and low end punch wise?