Amunet - Wikipedia
Amunet (/ ˈæməˌnɛt /) or Imnt (The Hidden One in hieroglyphics; also spelled Amonet or Amaunet; Koinē Greek: Αμαυνι) [2][3] is a primordial goddess in ancient Egyptian religion. [4][5] Thebes was the center of her worship through the last …
Amunet | Assassin's Creed Wiki | Fandom
Amunet (born c. 85 BCE), born Aya of Alexandria, was the Greco - Egyptian co-founder of the Hidden Ones and by extension, the Assassin Brotherhood, alongside her husband, Bayek. She was a descendant of the Spartan misthios Kassandra, the granddaughter of King Leonidas I of Sparta, and Natakas, the son of Darius, through their son Elpidios.
Egyptian goddess Amunet: Origin Story, meaning, birth, family, …
2021年8月26日 · Amunet, also known as Amaunet or Amonet, was one of the obscure deities of ancient Egypt. A primordial deity, Amunet was revered as the “Hidden One” in ancient …
阿玛乌奈特 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
阿玛乌奈特[1] (“Amunet”, / ˈæməˌnɛt /;也拼写为“Amont”或“Amaunet”)是 古埃及 宗教中的一位原始女神。 八元神 成员之一, 阿蒙神 的配偶。 其形象为一条蛇,或蛇首女身,头戴 下埃及 底比斯 红色王冠;在荷莫波里斯 (Hermopolis)是蛙首女身模样。
阿蒙内特(Amunet,生于公元前89年或公元前88年,卒年不详),游戏《刺客信条》系列中的角色之一,由Alix Wilton Regan、泽城美雪配音。 阿蒙内特,原名为亚历山大的艾雅(Aya of Alexandria),是 希腊 裔埃及人,她和她的丈夫守护者 巴耶克 一起创立了为自由而战的无形者,而这个组织日后转变为了 刺客兄弟会。 [1] 艾雅于公元前85年左右出生在 亚历山大,在那里,她是社区中最受尊敬的成员之一。 艾雅是斯巴达雇佣兵阿列克西欧斯/ 卡珊德拉 的半希腊半埃及 …
阿玛乌奈特(Amunet,英语发音: / ˈæməˌn ɛ t /;也拼写为 Amont 或 Amaunet)是古埃及宗教中的一位原始女神。 八元神成员之一, 阿蒙 神的配偶。 其形象为一条蛇,或蛇首女身,头戴 下埃及 底比斯 红冠;在荷莫波里斯 (Hermopolis)是蛙首女身装扮。
Amunet: The Fascinating Goddess ‘Mother Who Is Father’
2024年10月29日 · From the Egyptian creation myth to arguably being altogether replaced by another goddess, the limited information known about Amunet, the “Mother Who is Father”, is fascinating.
Amunet: The Egyptian Goddess and Her Symbolism (Mythology …
2023年8月17日 · Amunet is an ancient Egyptian goddess who played a significant role in Egyptian mythology and culture. She is often depicted as a female deity with a headdress resembling the tall white crown of Upper Egypt. Amunet is believed to represent the hidden and mysterious aspects of life, symbolizing the unseen forces and powers that govern the universe.
艾雅 | 刺客信条中文维基 | Fandom
阿蒙内特(Amunet,生于公元前85年),原名为亚历山大的艾雅(Aya of Alexandria),是希腊裔埃及人,她和她的丈夫守护者巴耶克一起创立了为自由而战的无形者,而这个组织日后转变为了刺客兄弟会。
Amunet - Wikiwand
Amunet or Imnt is a primordial goddess in ancient Egyptian religion. Thebes was the center of her worship through the last dynasty, the Ptolemaic Kingdom, in 30...