AN/PSQ-42 - Wikipedia
The AN/PSQ-42 Enhanced Night Vision Goggle-Binocular (ENVG-B) is a third-generation passive binocular night vision device developed for the United States Army by L3Harris. It combines dual tube image-intensifying (I²) and thermal-imaging technologies into a single goggle, enabling vision in low-light conditions.
Enhanced Night Vision Goggle–Binocular (ENVG-B) - L3Harris
Get the compact, lightweight, high-performance white phosphor dual-tube goggle that offers superior situational awareness compared to a single tube goggle. Combines the most-desired features from the rugged, battle-proven AN/PVS-15 and AN/PVS-31 to deliver additional capability to the warfighter in a small, lightweight package.
List of military electronics of the United States - Wikipedia
AN/PSQ - Portable Special Combination Equipment Designation Purpose/Description Location/Used By Manufacturer AN/PSQ-4: Manpack radio: Raytheon: AN/PSQ-5: Signal analyzer system: Tektronix: AN/PSQ-8: Radio set to be used with Joint Tactical Information Distribution System (JTIDS) and Multifunctional Information Distribution System (MIDS)
强烈曝光美军单兵夜视仪常见型号 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
AN/PSQ-20增强型夜视仪(英语:Enhanced Night Vision Goggle,ENVG)是一款由ITT Exelis为美军开发的第三代单筒式夜视仪。 它结合了图像增强和热成像技术,让佩戴者可以在光线非常少的环境下看得见。
Enhanced Night Vision Goggle – Binocular (ENVG-B)
The ENVG-B POR is a helmet-mounted individual night vision device that has an integrated long-wave infrared (LWIR) thermal sensor and white phosphor dual Image Intensification (I2) tubes. The fused...
WXRedian | 军鹰动态 | SITREP:美国陆军优先项目
2024年11月21日 · Inc 4 被设想为一种更轻的系统,以支持徒步部队,设想能够通过 C-130 运输机运输,可空投,并能够在直升机下方悬挂。 它旨在能够集成到 JLTV 和 / 或机器人车辆上。
The AN/PSQ-44 (ENVG-B) system is a modular, helmet-mounted, passive electro-optical night vision long wave infrared (LWIR) imaging device in a binocular configuration. The system integrates dual image intensification (I2) sensors with the LWIR imagery, offering heads-up situational awareness and ISW compliance.
顶级美军单兵装备出炉,烧了数亿美元效果杠杠的 - 搜狐
2018年3月4日 · AN/PSQ-20增强型夜视镜于2000年开始研制,是第一种集像增强和红外成像技术为一体的头盔式单目夜视装置,于2008年4月装备美军。 它融合了新一代16毫米像增强管(比标准的18毫米像增强管轻25%)的图像和8-12微米长波热像仪的红外图像,有助于更加清晰地探测并识别目标,从而提高士兵的战场感知能力和机动性,在曙暮光、完全黑暗或战场昏暗的光线下都可以使用,在城区使用的能力也得到了增强。 夜视效果。 AN/PSQ-20系统全重0.9千克(包括头盔 …
AN/PSQ-20夜视仪 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
AN/PSQ-20增强型夜视仪 (英语: Enhanced Night Vision Goggle, ENVG)是一款由 ITT Exelis (英语:ITT Exelis) 为美军开发的第三代单筒式夜视仪。 它同时结合了影像增强和 热成像 两个技术,配有一个直径16公釐的 影像增强管 (英语:image intensifier tube) 和一个320x240高解析度 热阻式微辐射感测器 (英语:microbolometer),并利用了视觉融合将两个影像重叠,让佩戴者能够在光线非常少的环境下更容易辨识目标。 AN/PSQ-20、AN/PSQ-20A只有影像增强和视 …
美军单兵装备到底有多强!你认识几个? - 网易
2018年6月6日 · an/psq-20单兵头戴式增强型夜视镜 AN/PSQ-20的夜视效果,比第一代微光夜视仪充满噪点的成像效果要好很多 AN/PVS-29 夜视瞄准镜
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