Ang Lee's "Sense and Sensibility" (1995) - the Data Lounge
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Below, Lee talks about why he has made it his personal mission to help shift the narrative toward Anderson, whom he calls “Pamela” during the conversation, and how Hollywood has responded to her. [bold]There’s a story of the script being turned down by Pamela’s former agent before even showing it to her, and you happened to come across it.
Costars who hated each other-And it showed - the Data Lounge
2020年5月3日 · R11: There’s no denying it now. Kim was the real star of the show. She was the most talented of the girls, she made the show funny, and people watched because of her.
2020年12月21日 · He’s the biggest corporate stooge, but has crafted this cynical image of an anarchistic rockstar to exonerate himself and boost his fragile incel little-boy ego. He makes his band mates Vince & Tommy Lee (both misogynistic, homophobic scum in their own right) look like relatively nice decent guys by comparison.