Anqi Fu
My research addresses problems in cancer radiation therapy, particularly radiation treatment planning and radiobiological modeling, using the tools of optimization. I design, develop, and implement efficient algorithms for large-scale optimization and machine learning with applications to IMRT, IMPT, VMAT, and other treatment modalities.
Anqi Fu - Google Scholar
Anqi Fu. Assistant Attending, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center. Verified email at alumni.stanford.edu - Homepage. convex optimization distributed computing machine learning radiation treatment planning data science. Articles Cited by Public access Co-authors. Title. Sort. Sort by citations Sort by year Sort by title.
vitae | Anqi Fu - GitHub Pages
My research addresses problems in radiation treatment planning and radiobiological modeling using the tools of optimization. I design, develop, and implement efficient algorithms for large-scale, distributed optimization and machine learning with applications to IMRT, IMPT, VMAT, and other treatment modalities.
Anqi Fu - Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center
My research addresses problems in radiation treatment planning and radiobiological modeling using the tools of optimization. I design, develop, and implement efficient algorithms for large-scale, distributed optimization and machine learning with applications to IMRT, IMPT, VMAT, and other treatment modalities.
Anqi Fu - Assistant Attending (Faculty) - LinkedIn
My research applies large-scale optimization and machine learning to problems in cancer radiation therapy. I also develop software for modeling and solving convex optimization problems; check out...
- 职位: Assistant Attending (Faculty) at …
- 位置: Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center
- 人脉数: 273
anqif (Anqi Fu) - GitHub
My research area is large-scale optimization and radiation treatment planning. @cvxgrp - anqif.
Anqi Fu - Google Scholar
Anqi Fu. Associate Professor, Faculty of Information Technology, Beijing University of Technology. Verified email at bjut.edu.cn. Cyber-physical systems. Articles Cited by Public access Co-authors. Title. Sort. Sort by citations Sort by year Sort by title.
publications | Anqi Fu - GitHub Pages
In this paper, we improved the delivery efficiency of spot scanning proton therapy by simultaneously reducing the number of spots and energy layers using the reweighted l1 regularization method.
近年来,一直从事事件触发控制、无线网络化控制系统、信息物理系统、混杂系统等方面的研究工作和城市智能供水系统等方面的应用研究工作。 在分布式周期采样事件触发控制器和混杂系统抽象模型方面,以及利用信息物理系统理论改造城市基础设施特别是城市供水系统的智慧化改造方面取得了突破性成果。 在IEEE TAC和Automatica等期刊和会议发表学术论文10余篇。 博士, 控制科学 …
Anqi FU | Assistant Professor | PhD | Beijing University of …
Anqi FU, Assistant Professor | Cited by 96 | of Beijing University of Technology, Beijing (Bei Gong Da) | Read 12 publications | Contact Anqi FU
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