ANTA KT 5 - Review, Deals, Pics of all Colorways - The Hoops Geek
2019年10月24日 · Klay Thompson's signature shoe with great traction, cushion, and no real weaknesses. A durable shoe for any position or style of play. The traction on the KT5 is similar to the KT3 and KT4 and does not disappoint. It works …
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致敬与回归,浴火而重生丨安踏KT5测评报告 - 什么值得买
2019年11月2日 · 在克雷·汤普森遭遇生涯最大伤病之后,KT5将如何对汤神进行保护,想必是球员本人和广大球迷都非常重视的。KT5的保护性主要体现在防侧翻和支撑性两大方面,前掌位置加入的钩状设计(即ANTA Logo处),是KT5身上防侧翻的关键所在。
Anta Klay Thompson Kt5 - Anto Sports
The Klay Thompson KT5 basketball shoe, unveiled by Anta on September 7 in Shanghai, is a standout in the fifth generation of the KT series. With a pixelated design inspired by Klay Thompson himself, the shoe combines aesthetics with performance. The KT5 features a streamlined silhouette, TPU support, and the signature
ANTA/安踏 KT5 【报价 价格 评测 怎么样】 -什么值得买
ANTA 安踏 KT5龙珠联名 112011101 男款篮球鞋,采用一体织帮面,轻质,舒适透气,提共舒适的穿着感受,缓震中底,轻质稳定后跟。 当前仅部分尺码有货(有货尺码:44.5,象牙白/云锦橙-6)唯品会该商品正在促销,最终到手价169元/件,喜欢可入。 阅读全文. 给弟弟买的,弟弟喜欢打篮球,特地等他穿着打了几天球才来评价,鞋子很好,抓地效果很好,减震也不错,颜色外观都很时尚,国货之... 阅读全文. 大家好,我是课戴表,又有两周没见了,给大家问好。 可能之前看 …
ANTA KT 5 Performance Review - WearTesters
6 天之前 · The ANTA KT5 Performance Review is here. This is the same overall traction that we’ve seen on the past few models of the KT signature line. Ever since the KT3 we’ve had this finger print styled pattern and it’s been solid every single time.
kt5大家怎么看? - 知乎
缓震虽然比不上kt4,但软硬我觉得适中,特别是在打室内场地回馈感很好,防滑非常好;蹬劲蹬得起来,所以这双鞋很适合后卫。 整个一大块的硬TPU,后跟的硬TPU,这双鞋的抗扭在我这是过关的。 鞋面虽然说是编织但是薄薄的一层,支撑有点差。 早些时候曝光了kt5较为正面的图片,想问 …
硬拆解:ANTA KT5 LOW - 什么值得买
2020年7月9日 · 鞋身整体为袜套式设计,采用全新的infiknit编织科技,相比大兄弟KT5鞋面的A-Web科技更加的轻薄透气,这一点的改进,已经让我暗自窃喜了~~~ Infiknit编织科技是在不同区域做不同密度的编织,用编织密度来控制鞋面的强度和通透度,以达到支撑和透气的功能;
ANTA KT5 | Detailed Look and Review - WearTesters
Klay Thompson’s fifth signature shoe is here. This is our detailed look and review of the ANTA KT5. Five shoes in and just as consistent on the court as ever. Yes, I’ve begun testing these and so far they’re pretty nice.
Anta KT5 – Famujisneaker
The Anta KT5 utilizes upgraded AFlashFoam which is a very comfortable setup. Constructed from a lightweight textile upper, the Anta KT5’s design is remarkable with a synthetic TPU shroud that covers the lacing system and secures at the quarter.
KT5 Low 'Bahamas' - Anta - 112021102 5 - pool water blue - Flight Club
Shop the KT5 Low 'Bahamas' and discover the latest shoesAnta from Anta and more at Flight Club, the most trusted name in authentic sneakers since 2005. International shipping available. Clear