AOM - Your Optical Metrology Partner in Tucson and Rochester
For more than 15 years… you’ve known AOM as a computer-generated hologram (CGH) supplier for the world’s most challenging optical engineering projects. Today, we aim to bring CGH technology to a broader set of optics and photonics applications.
Computer-Generated Holograms (CGHs) for Cylinder Optics | AOM
The Cylinder CGH Kit includes five standard 3-inch cylinder holograms, covering a range from f/0.7 to f/6.0, ensuring comprehensive coverage for various cylinder UUTs. Complete your metrology system with two CGH mounting and fine alignment stages, a customizable part holder fixture, magnetic mounting balls, and a sample cylinder lens.
About | AOM - Arizona Optical Metrology
For over a decade, you’ve known AOM as a CGH supplier for some of the world’s most challenging and precise optical engineering projects. Today, we aim to bring precision metrology to a broader set of applications and engineering challenges.
| AOM - Arizona Optical Metrology
2025年1月8日 · A single cylinder computer-generated hologram (or CGH) can measure a range of cylinder optics. Using existing interferometry, turn your standard Fizeau interferometer into a cylinder measuring machine.
Arizona Optical Metrology (AOM)柱面计算机生成全息图(CGH)
Arizona Optical Metrology (AOM) 公司的柱面计算机生成全息图(CGH)经过优化,可与行业标准的 4 英寸孔径、632.8nm HeNe 激光波长干涉仪和参考透射平面配合使用。 每个柱面空心 CGH 都附有合格证,上面标明了测试的性能指标。
Arizona Optical Metrology (AOM) Cylinder Computer Generated Holograms (CGH)
AOM cylinder computer-generated holograms (CGH) enable interferometric measurement of cylindrical optics. The surface figure error of convex and concave cylindrical optics can be measured over the full aperture using a CGH. The cylindrical radius of curvature can also be measured with a radius-enabled interferometer bench.
CGH Master Class from AOM | Spring 2025
The CGH Master Class offers a comprehensive exploration of interferometry, diffraction, CGH history, design, and fabrication. You'll gain practical experience with alignment techniques, surface figure error measurements, and advanced data analysis using Morpheus software.
Custom Computer-Generated Holograms (CGHs) from AOM
Computer-generated holograms (CGHs) are customized optical components integrated into standardized size and mechanical interface formats. CGHs consist of a fused silica substrate in which the diffractive pattern is printed or etched. Substrates in 3-inch, 6-inch, and 9-inch square formats to suit a range of test optic sizes.
三十米望远镜 (TMT)测试台的 CGH ,用于测量 492 个 1.6 米直径的每一个主镜子镜,具有 82 个独特的非球面面形 原型到生产 AOM 注重效率,开发并提供基于 CGH 的解决方案,以满足客 户在整个产品生命周期的测量需求。 为此,AOM 强调原型制 作的快速周转(短至两周!
Arizona Optical Metrology (AOM)柱面電腦生成全像圖(CGH)
Arizona Optical Metrology (AOM)公司的柱面電腦全像圖(CGH)擴展了干涉儀的功能,可檢測圓柱形光學元件,實現快速、全孔徑和高解析度的面形誤差計量。 提供完整系列的圓柱形 CGH f/#,可測試一系列凸面和凹面圓柱形光學表面,減少計量實驗室所需的測試板或干涉測量基準面的數量。 AOM 2 英吋柱面 CGH 安裝在機械框架中,可靈活安裝到所需的六自由度運動平臺,以便將 CGH 與干涉儀精確對準。 Arizona Optical Metrology (AOM) 公司的柱面電腦生成全像 …