AP2A1 Gene - GeneCards | AP2A1 Protein | AP2A1 Antibody
2024年12月24日 · AP2A1 (Adaptor Related Protein Complex 2 Subunit Alpha 1) is a Protein Coding gene. Diseases associated with AP2A1 include Neural Tube Defects and Hypocalciuric Hypercalcemia, Familial, Type Iii . Among its related pathways are Nef-mediates down modulation of cell surface receptors by recruiting them to clathrin adapters and Autodegradation of ...
Adaptor-related protein complex 2, alpha 1 - Wikipedia
This gene encodes the alpha 1 adaptin subunit of the adaptor protein 2 (AP2 adaptors) complex found in clathrin coated vesicles. The AP-2 complex is a heterotetramer consisting of two large adaptins (alpha or beta), a medium adaptin (mu), and a small adaptin (sigma).
AP2A1 modulates cell states between senescence and rejuvenation
Knockdown of AP2A1 reversed senescence-associated phenotypes, exhibiting features of cellular rejuvenation, while its overexpression in young cells advanced senescence phenotypes. Similar functions of AP2A1 were identified in UV- or drug-induced senescence and were observed in epithelial cells as well.
AP2A1 modulates cell states between senescence and rejuvenation
2025年3月1日 · AP2A1 is a potential marker and target for senescence and aging-related diseases. Aging proceeds with the accumulation of senescent cells in multiple organs. These cells exhibit increased size compared to young cells, which promotes further senescence and age-related diseases.
一种特殊的机制使衰老细胞恢复活力 - 生物通
大阪大学的研究人员发现,接头蛋白复合物2 α 1亚基(AP2A1)的敲低可以使衰老细胞恢复活力,而AP2A1的过表达可以使年轻细胞衰老。 AP2A1似乎通过促进整合素β1沿着扩大的应力纤维易位来介导这些作用,这反过来又产生了大的细胞-底物粘附并加强了细胞对底物的锚定,这可能解释了衰老细胞如何保持其大尺寸。 市面上出售的许多产品都承诺通过消除皱纹或紧致下巴线条来保持青春;但如果我们真的能在细胞层面上让时间倒流呢? 现在,来自日本的研究人员发现了一 …
适配器相关蛋白复合物 2 亚基 alpha 1(AP2A1)基因 | MCE
AP-2 复合体是一种异四聚体,由两个大适应蛋白 (α 或β) 、一个中等适应蛋白 (mu) 和一个小适应蛋白 (sigma) 组成。 该复合物是包被囊泡细胞质面上蛋白质包被的一部分,它将网格蛋白连接到囊泡中的受体。 该基因的可变剪接导致编码两种不同亚型的两种转录变体。 已经描述了第三个转录本变体,但其全长性质尚未确定。 [RefSeq 提供,2008 年 7 月] This gene encodes the alpha 1 adaptin subunit of the adaptor protein 2 (AP-2) complex found in clathrin coated vesicles.
AP2A1 adaptor related protein complex 2 subunit alpha 1 [Homo …
2025年2月9日 · Title: Molecular cloning of novel transcripts of the adaptor-related protein complex 2 alpha 1 subunit (AP2A1) gene, using Next-Generation Sequencing. AP-2alpha depletion enhanced apoptosis, demonstrating that disrupting the HIV-1 Nef:AP-2alpha interaction limits Nef-mediated apoptosis.
AP2A1 adaptor related protein complex 2 subunit alpha 1
2024年12月10日 · This gene encodes the alpha 1 adaptin subunit of the adaptor protein 2 (AP-2) complex found in clathrin coated vesicles. The AP-2 complex is a heterotetramer consisting of two large adaptins (alpha or beta), a medium adaptin (mu), and a small adaptin (sigma).
AP-2复合物是一个异四聚体,由两个大适应子(alpha或beta)、一个中等适应子(mu)和一个小适应子(sigma)组成。 该复合物是包被小泡质膜面上的蛋白质外套的一部分,将clathrin链接到小泡中的受体。 这个基因的可变剪接导致两个转录变异体,它们编码两种不同的异构体。 已经描述了第三种转录变异体,但其完整的长度尚未确定。 [RefSeq,2008年7月提供] Dir./Indir. 该模块正在开发中,请耐心等待我们的数据更新。 Haploinsufficiency of the Notch Ligand DLL1 …
2025年3月3日 · 结果显示,抑制衰老细胞内的ap2a1可逆转衰老并促进细胞再生,而年轻细胞内ap2a1的过度表达则会加速细胞衰老。 此外,团队发现ap2a1与整合素β1总是“形影不离”。整合素β1帮助细胞附着其周围的支架状胶原基质蛋白上。