AP30-P2 产品
猎户座 Orion AP30-P2 空中高压清洗系统,适配 DJI FC30 等大载重行业无人机,为行业提供便捷高效、安全稳定的大容量、多角度空中高压清洗作业解决方案,可广泛应用于风机叶片、光伏板、绝缘子串、大厦、墙面、高塔等行业高空清洁作业场景。
AP30 柔韧机器人作业平台_生态方案目录_DJI 大疆行业应用
ap30 柔韧机器人作业平台 万勋科技(深圳)有限公司 万勋基于自研的 Pliabot® 柔韧技术,结合大疆全新发布的 DJI FlyCart 30 运载无人机,创新打造猎户座Orion AP30 柔韧机器人作业平台,打破传统无人机认知,真正实现从“看”到“作”的跨越,为行业提供稳定可靠 ...
AP30-P3 产品
猎户座AP3-P3 空中柔韧系留清洗系统,适配行业主流小机型,并以独有柔韧技术护航,小巧多能、极致安全,可广泛应用于大厦外墙、光伏板、绝缘子串、高塔等各类高空清洁场景,助力行业实现强效降本。 1200㎡/h 柔韧快洗. 基于柔韧关节,作业杆可实现悬 停状态下垂直扫喷、效率更高 (根据不同作业工艺,效率会有所浮动) 猎户座 Orion AP3-P3 空中柔韧系留清洗系统,适配 M300/350 等3~10kg负载级别无人机,为行业提供便捷高效、多场景适用的空中高压清洗作业 …
光伏清洗-万勋科技 - wissonrobotics.com
AP30- P2 是基于万勋 Pliabot 柔韧机器人技术衍生的空中多角度高压清洗系统,专注解决高空清洗、喷洒等作业难题,可在空中悬停并实现多角度高效清洗。
2024年9月11日 · 万勋“ap30-n1”空中柔韧作业平台能够自适应精准抓取各类物资、工具等,如消防沙、急救包、氧气瓶、救生圈等,快速抵达现场并精准投放,全程无需人员配合,为救援工作提供有力支持。
Since 1988, AP30 pots have produced more than 52 million tonnes of metal, confirming daily their reliability, robustness and performance. They’re demonstrating the flexibility and full range of AP Technology™ solutions, from high productivity to low energy consumption. Fact sheet AP30/AP40 Industry leading performance Overall AP30 Mean results
AeroClean P2(A30) Aerial High-Pressure Cleaning System for DJI …
The AeroClean P2 (A30), also referred to as the Wisson Orion AP30-P2, is a high-performance aerial high-pressure cleaning system designed for heavy-duty industry drones, including the DJI FC30. With a 900W power output, a maximum spray distance of 6 meters, and a 30L large-capacity water tank, this system delivers exceptional cleaning efficiency.
Industrial Sciencor Ap 30 Air Piston Pump Products | Flowserve
With no motor to burn out and with minimal moving parts, AP-30 is extremely reliable and requires little maintenance. Its aluminum, stainless steel and non-metallic construction resists corrosion from most agricultural and industrial chemicals. The pump is built with no metal-to-metal contact to reduce wear. ... Read more.
SAQE,塞科,A200,A12,60ARC,AP30-T,AP30-WT,SAQE60,电弧光保 …
该装置具有灵活的逻辑编程功能、可靠的保护性能,并支持多种通讯规约,同时配备电弧光保护解决方案。 SAQE(塞科)弧光保护中国在全国范围内诚招城市合伙人我们将配合合伙人提供全套的市场推广计划及销售服务。 成都艾克瑞特科技有限公司主要致力SAQE(塞科),A200,A12,电弧光保护,电气火灾弧光探测器,母线保护,微机保护,节能型直流电源及SUDP-E3,UP5电源,风电,风机,风力发电,开关柜等各系列产品;快速、安全、经济、节能。 欢迎来电咨询详情。
Mech Chem AP30 Acid Recovery System W2030 | Ronatec
Water Level Alarms. 115 Volt. 15 Amp. Temperature to 110 Degree. Tested.