Apaosha - Wikipedia
Apaosha (Apaoša, Apauša) is the Avestan language name of Zoroastrianism's demon of drought. He is the epitomized antithesis of Tishtrya, divinity of the star Sirius and guardian of rainfall. In …
【前瞻笔记】须弥苍漠囿土专有名词预考据 - 哔哩哔哩
Apaoša [名词]干旱 [专名]旱魃,伊朗传说中的一种导致干旱的妖魔。 典故:
The Sign of Apaosha - Genshin Impact Wiki
The Sign of Apaosha is a "celestial mark" that manifests above the Harvisptokhm in response to the weakening of its seal on defiled energy (Abyssal Corruption) in the area. It appears to be a …
Apaosha - Megami Tensei Wiki
Apaosha, also known as Aposh and Apaush, is the demonic personification of drought in Zoroastrian mythology. Meaning "not thriving," Apaosha takes the form of a dark horse. …
Tishtrya - Wikipedia
In a hymn of the Avesta incorporated by Ferdowsi in the Shahnameh, Tishtrya is involved in a cosmic struggle against the drought-bringing demon Apaosha. According to the myth, in the …
阿里曼 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
阿里曼是一切邪魔的主人,統馭以六大惡魔(加上阿里曼為七大魔王)為首的無數德弗(Daeva,泛稱古伊朗神話傳說中的魔怪,與善神為敵)造惡無數,他的德弗手下包括Druj(谎言的象征) …
【原神】须弥荒石苍漠/浮罗囿地名考据 - 哔哩哔哩
Vourukaša是琐罗亚斯德教神话中的「世界海」,由阿胡拉·马兹达创造;《阿维斯塔》中,它是世界上所有水的发源地和聚集地:阿胡拉·马兹达把Vourukaša中的纯净水送至陆地,净化世界, …
2023年4月6日 · 梵真之天象(The sign of Apaosha) 阿保沙(Apaoša)是琐罗亚斯德教干旱恶魔的阿维斯陀语名称。他是白马Tishtrya的典型对立面。在琐罗亚斯德教传统中,Apaosha …
Khvarena of Good and Evil Guide for 3.6 World Quest
2023年4月12日 · Khvarena of Good and Evil is a world quest chain in the Girdle of the Sands, that focuses on Sorush's quest on sealing the hole in the sky, referred to as the Sign of Apaosha. …
Apaosha | Demonology | Fandom
Apaosha (Apaoša, Apauša) is the Avestan language name of Zoroastrianism's demon of drought. He is the epitomized antithesis of Tishtrya, divinity of the star Sirius and guardian of rainfall. In …
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