Piaggio Ape - Wikipedia
Currently two model ranges are offered: the "Ape 50" with a 49.8 cc petrol engine [7] and the larger "Ape TM" which comes available with a 218 cc petrol engine or a 422 cc diesel engine. [ 8 ] The "Ape 50" can carry 175 to 205 kg (386 to 452 lb) while the "TM" and "Classic" can carry 700 to 805 kg (1,543 to 1,775 lb) (depending on version and ...
Piaggio Ape 50 - Piaggio Commercial Vehicles UK
With its standout retro Italian panache, compact dimensions, agility and fuel economy, the Ape 50 is in a league of its own. It can carry up to 200 kg in weight and up to 1.5 cubic metres volume, which gives it great commercial scope, whilst its neat size …
Piaggio Ape USA
Ape - pronounced "a pay" is an iconic 3 wheel vehicle produced by Piaggio. Post world war 2 Italy was in a bad way, economic difficulties, the people needed an affordable transport solution and so the Ape was born. Over the years the models have updated but the spirit remains the same - a scooter with a roof that can carry what ever you may need!
Ape 50 - Piaggio Veicoli Commerciali
Primo modello della gamma Ape appartenente alla categoria dei ciclomotori, Ape 50 è un mezzo guidabile già dai 14 anni con patente di categoria AM e può trasportare un solo passeggero (guidatore). Disponibile in: • più varianti con configurazione a pianale fisso, furgone e cross. • nuove combinazioni colori interni-esterni.
Ape 50 Modeller - APE Import
Ape 50 “tuk tuk” er en robust klassiker, som med sin lange rækkevidde og store lasteevne snildt klarer daglige praktiske gøremål, om end det handler om en tur i skoven efter brænde, arbejdskøretøjet til by-håndværkeren eller til den mobile kaffebar som trofast står på gadehjørnet hver morgen og serverer friskbrygget espresso.
2007 Piaggio Ape 50 - Bring a Trailer
2024年5月8日 · This 2007 Piaggio Ape 50 is a three-wheeled truck that is finished in green and powered by an oil-injected 50cc two-stroke single paired with a three-speed manual transmission.
Ape 50 - Piaggio Nutzfahrzeuge - piaggiocommercial
Die Ape 50 ist das erste Modell der Ape-Baureihe, das zur Kategorie der Kleinkrafträder gehört und daher bereits ab 14 Jahren mit Führerscheinklasse AM gefahren werden kann. Erhältlich in: • mehreren Ausführungen mit fester Ladefläche, als Kastenwagen und Cross. • neue Farbkombinationen innen - außen.
1990 Piaggio Ape 50 - Classic Italian Cars For Sale
2020年4月12日 · Simple, thoughtful designs require only small updates over the years, which is why the 1990 Ape bears a great resemblance to the 1964 original cab-model. The Ape 50 could take on a ~400lb payload, and to this day can be found moving bread and pizza around narrow European streets.
Ape(ホンダ)のバイクを探すなら【グーバイク】 - GooBike
エイプの代表的な排気量は、50cc(Ape50)、100cc(Ape100)です。 このほか、Ape50 Type D、Ape100 Type Dがあります。 コンパクトで細身のボディですが、5速ミッションやリアサスペンションが搭載されていることで軽快かつ安定した走行が可能です。 Ape50では速度規制の兼ね合いもあり余裕を持った走行が、Ape100ならエンジンパワーを最大限に活かした走行が実現できます。 また、クリーン性能と燃焼効率を高める「PGM-FI(Programmed Fuel Injection …
Ape 50 - Véhicules Utilitaires Piaggio
L'Ape 50 Cross est la version plus "tendance" de la gamme. Un véritable pick-up miniature, très fiable derrière son look dynamique, grâce à sa barre antiroulis et ses pare-chocs avant et arrière en métal; l'installation prévue pour un autoradio de série rend le travail plus amusant et agrémente le temps libre.