Math Robot, for iOS devices | American Printing House
A flashcard format and a smart “know-it-all” math robot character provide fun drills and practices for simple math problems. The app is both self-voicing and accessible with Apple’s VoiceOver. …
Math Robot™ on the App Store
Math Robot provides fun drills and practices for simple math problems. The app is both self-voicing and accessible with VoiceOver. Math Robot announces each problem as it comes up. …
Math Robot App for iPad - tech.aph.org
APH's Math Robot™ was designed for students who are blind and visually impaired, as well as sighted students, making it ideal for use by an entire class. A flashcard format and a smart …
Accessible Code & Go® Robot Mouse Accessible Activity Set
Coding is easy with Colby! The Accessible Code & Go Mouse provides a hands-on introduction to coding concepts and tactile graphics as students program Colby the mouse to race through …
APH Technology Products
APH Talking PC Maps. Software provides spoken and on-screen map data and 12 million points of interest for U.S. states, territories, and Canada on one flash drive.
Unboxing Our Baby APH BOT in Minecraft! - YouTube
The NEW Baby Aphmau AI Robot has arrived! 💜 Become a super awesome YouTube Member! https://www.youtube.com/aphmaugaming/join💜 Come at a look at my merch! ?...
APH's Math Robot: iOS Game – Perkins School for the Blind
APH’s Math Robot is an engaging iPad math app that encourages students to practice their math facts. This motivating app includes addition, subtraction, multiplication and division problems.
Tactile to Digital Part 1: Math Robot - Perkins School for the Blind
Math fact drills with a twist: APH’s Math Robot app and it’s humorous robot jokes! Students will laugh along with the “know-it-all” math robot and may even enjoy practicing math fact drills! …
Code and Go Robot Mouse Activities & APH Tactile Graphics
Designed for young kids, Code and Go Robot Mouse comes with tactile manipulatives, including grid tiles and obstacles. Have you heard the news? APH now provides Code and Go kits that …
Code & Go® Robot Mouse Activity Set Activity Guide
Start by providing a simple, guided introduction to the mouse: identify the color and function of each of the mouse’s buttons (see Basic Operation). Reinforce that the green button means …