Find an app ID or ad unit ID - Google AdMob Help
During the final step of ad unit creation, you'll need to copy and paste the app ID and any ad unit ID(s) into your app's code. This article explains where to find and copy your app ID and ad unit ID(s). App ID: A unique ID number assigned to your apps when they're added to AdMob. The app ID is used to identify your apps.
App ID - Google AdMob Help
The unique ID assigned to your app. You'll need to integrate the app ID into your app's source code to use certain features in AdMob. Learn more about finding your app ID . Integration instructions: Integrate an Android app ID; Integrate an iOS app ID
Find an app ID or ad unit ID - Google Ad Manager Help
These IDs are essential for implementing ads in your app's code. On this page: Find an app ID; Find an ad unit ID; You can copy and paste the app ID and any ad unit ID(s) into your app's code. App ID: A unique ID number assigned to your apps when they're added to Google Ad Manager. The app ID is used to identify your apps.
App-ID oder Anzeigenblock-ID suchen - Google AdMob-Hilfe
App-ID: Eine eindeutige Kennung, die Ihren Apps zugewiesen wird, wenn sie zu AdMob hinzugefügt werden. Die App-ID wird verwendet, um Ihre Apps zu identifizieren. Anzeigenblock-ID Eine eindeutige ID, die jedem Anzeigenblock zugewiesen wird, wenn er in AdMob erstellt wird. Die Anzeigenblock-ID wird dem Code Ihrer App hinzugefügt und verwendet ...
App-ID - Google AdMob-Hilfe
Eindeutige ID Ihrer App. Sie müssen die App-ID in den Quellcode Ihrer App einfügen, um bestimmte Funktionen in AdMob nutzen zu können.
Store ID - Google AdMob Help
Changing your app’s Store ID in AdMob. When you set up an app in AdMob, you must add a Store ID. Store IDs are critical for ad serving. If you need to change your app’s Store ID after you enter it, you can update it from the App settings page: Sign in to your AdMob account at https://admob.google.com. Click Apps in the sidebar. Select the ...
Find mobile app names and ID in app URLs - Google Help
An app store URL is the URL associated with your app. You can use the URL to set up your app in Google Ad Manager. Find your app URL by searching your app store for the app. Here are some tips to help find IDs and names: Android (Google Play Store) Go to the Google Play store page. Search for your app and go to the app page.
Buscar un ID de aplicación o de bloque de anuncios
Encontrar un ID de aplicación. Inicia sesión en tu cuenta de AdMob en https://admob.google.com. Haz clic en la opción Aplicaciones, situada en la barra lateral. Selecciona Ver todas las aplicaciones. Localiza tu aplicación y haz clic para copiar el ID de la aplicación de la columna ID de aplicación. Encontrar un ID de bloque de anuncios
View and configure apps and extensions - Chrome Enterprise and ...
For self-hosted apps, the name and ID are the same. The app ID uniquely identifies the app in the Admin console, on users' devices, and in Chrome Web Store. Web—The web app's URL. IWA—The Isolated Web App bundle ID, a base32 [a-z2-7] string of 56 or 58 characters. Installation policy. Displays how the app or extension is installed for users.
Find app names and IDs in app store URLs - Google Help
This article is for AdMob users that are trying to set up an app in AdMob and need to locate app names and IDs, which can be found in the Android and iOS app stores. Here are some tips to help find IDs and names: Android (Google Play Store) Go to the Google Play store page. Search for your app and go to the app page.