Advanced Qualification Program (AQP) - Federal Aviation Administration
2024年10月31日 · AQP improves flight crewmember performance by providing alternative means of compliance with traditional training rules and promotes the innovative use of modern technology for flight crewmember training. The AQP methodology directly supports the FAA’s goals for safety enhancement, through data-informed, and data-driven improvement.
The Advanced Qualification Program (AQP) is a voluntary alternative to the traditional regulatory requirements under CFR 14, Parts 121 and 135 for pilot training and checking. Under the AQP the FAA is authorized to approve significant departures from traditional requirements, subject to justification of an equivalent or better level of safety.
AQP Reference Library - Federal Aviation Administration
2024年6月4日 · AQP Academic and Industry Reference Documents (for reference only) AQP Introduction and General Overview. Overview of the Advanced Qualification Program (AQP) (PDF) Instructional Processes versus Instructional Models (PDF) Application of Psychometrics to the Calibration of Air Carrier Evaluators (PDF) AQP Curriculum Development. ISD Process ...
14 CFR Part 121 Subpart Y -- Advanced Qualification Program
Evaluation of proficiency means a Line Operational Evaluation (LOE) or an equivalent evaluation under an AQP acceptable to the FAA. Evaluator means a person who assesses or judges the performance of crewmembers, instructors, other evaluators, aircraft dispatchers, or other operations personnel.
Advanced Qualification Program - Wikipedia
The Advanced Qualification Program (AQP) is the alternate pilot qualification method by the Federal Aviation Administration. AQP is a voluntary program by pilots to meet up to the ‘traditional’ regulatory requirements. [1]
中美民航高级训练大纲初探 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
AQP is a voluntary means of compliance with a regulatory requirement to qualify, train, certify and otherwise assure the competence of pilots , flight attendants and dispatchers. If an airline goes AQP, all fleets go AQP.
AC 120-54A - Advanced Qualification Program - (Change 1)
2006年6月23日 · AQP is a systematic methodology for developing the content of training programs for air carrier crewmembers and dispatchers. It replaces programmed hours with proficiency-based training and evaluation derived from a detailed job task analysis that includes Crew Resource Management (CRM).
Advanced Qualification Program - Federal Register
2005年9月16日 · This action codifies the requirements of the Advanced Qualification Program (AQP). Currently, the AQP requirements are in a Special Federal Aviation Regulation that expires on October 2, 2005. The AQP will continue as an alternative regulatory program for airlines seeking more flexibility in...
Advanced Qualification - Flight Safety Foundation
2011年8月15日 · The U.S. Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) describes AQP, under Subpart Y of Federal Aviation Regulations Part 121 which governs air carrier operations, as “an alternative method for developing training and testing materials for pilots, flight attendants and aircraft dispatchers based on instructional systems design, advanced simulation ...