Arabs - Wikipedia
Arabs (Arabic: عَرَب, DIN 31635: ʿarab, Arabic: [ˈʕɑ.rɑb] ⓘ; sg. عَرَبِيٌّ , ʿarabiyyun, pronounced [ʕɑ.rɑˈbɪj.jʊn] ⓘ) are an ethnic group [b] mainly inhabiting the Arab world in West Asia and North Africa. A significant Arab diaspora is present in various parts of the world. [74]
Arab world - Wikipedia
The Arab world, [a] formally the Arab homeland, [b][7][8][9] also known as the Arab nation, [c] the Arabsphere, or the Arab states, [10] comprises a large group of countries, mainly located in West Asia and North Africa.
Arab | Description, History, & Facts | Britannica
5 days ago · Arab, one whose native language is Arabic. In modern usage, it embraces any of the Arabic-speaking peoples living in the vast region from Mauritania, on the Atlantic coast of Africa, to southwestern Iran, including the entire Maghrib of North Africa, Egypt and Sudan, the Arabian Peninsula, and Syria and Iraq.
阿拉伯(阿拉伯语:العربية),可指 阿拉伯民族,也可指 阿拉伯世界。 阿拉伯民族起源于 闪米特 种族,是 闪族 中最年轻的一支,亲缘上与 希伯来人 相近。 阿拉伯世界泛指阿拉伯人居住的地区,阿拉伯世界共有22个 国家和地区。 扎耶德清真寺,亚特兰蒂斯酒店. 阿拉伯世界西起 大西洋 东至 阿拉伯海,北起 地中海 南至非洲中部。 面积约为1420万 平方公里,位于亚、非两大洲的结合部,其非洲部分占 72%,亚洲部分占 28%,具有重要的战略 地理位置。 阿拉伯世界有宽广的海岸线, …
Arab 在英语-中文(简体)词典中的翻译 - Cambridge Dictionary
The Arab countries include Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Syria, and Egypt. 阿拉伯国家包括伊拉克、沙特阿拉伯、叙利亚和埃及。
Who is an Arab? | Britannica
Arab, Any member of the Arabic-speaking peoples native to the Middle East and North Africa. Before the spread of Islam in the 630s ce, the term referred to the largely nomadic Semitic …
阿拉伯世界 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
阿拉伯世界 (阿拉伯语: الوطن العربي )是指分布于 西亚 和 北非,以 阿拉伯语 為主要語言,以 伊斯兰教 为主要信仰的国家和地区。 阿拉伯世界 人口 總和4.23亿人,主要为 阿拉伯民族。 另有 库尔德 、 柏柏尔 、 土库曼 、 努比亚 等民族。 总面积约1426万平方公里,约占世界陸地总面积的9.5%,生產量多於1.6万亿 美元,均属 发展中国家,工业化发展迟缓,经济结构比较单一,依赖石油天然气、旅游、农业等产业。 阿拉伯世界包括以下國家: 華人地區 常见的错误是将 伊斯蘭 …
Arab people - Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Arabs (Arabic: العرب) are an ethnic group mainly inhabiting the Arab world in the Middle East and North Africa. They speak Arabic which is one of the Semitic languages, and which is also the name of the ethnic family which they belong to.
History of the Arabs - Wikipedia
Today, "Arab" refers to a variety of large numbers of people whose native regions form the Arab world due to the spread of Arabs and the Arabic language throughout the region during the early Muslim conquests of the 7th and 8th centuries. [6]
Arab, Middle Eastern, and Muslim? What’s the Difference?!
Nov 21, 2023 · Many Americans have a hard time distinguishing between the terms Arab, Middle Eastern, and Muslim. Here we break down the various terms to help you distinguish between these three categories. Who is an Arab? Arab is an ethno-linguistic category, identifying people who speak the Arabic language as their mother tongue (or, in the case of