Arendal 2 - a new port terminal
A completely new terminal will be constructed at Arendal to cope with future freight volumes. Construction, which is divided into several stages, is planned to run between 2016 and 2025. In 2016 and until March 2017, a pilot project was carried out to test the technology of stabilization and solidification of contaminated mud masses.
Gothenburg opens largest port terminal in 40 years ››› ferries.net
2024年9月25日 · February 2025. Largest port expansion in 40 years. The port of Gothenburg has opened a new terminal – Arendal 2. With an area of 144,000 square meters, it is the largest port expansion in 40 years. The aim of the project is to meet the increased demand from Swedish industry for more freight capacity and to improve logistics processes.
Arendal 2 - en ny hamnterminal - goteborgshamn.se
Dagens ytterhamnar byggdes på 1960- och 70-talen och sedan dess har volymtillväxten varit mycket kraftig. För att skapa utrymme för framtida godsvolymer byggs just nu en helt ny hamnterminal väster om nuvarande roroterminal vid Arendal. Byggnation, som är indelad i flera etapper är planerat att pågå mellan 2016 och 2025.
The largest port expansion in 40 years opens at the Port of …
2024年8月30日 · Timeline: Arendal 2 Late 1990s: A new terminal area in the Arendal Bay is included in the Port of Gothenburg's master plan. ... Jan 15 2025. Port In 2024, a total of 8.2 million passengers passed through the ports operated by the Port of Tallinn, marking a 3.6% increase compared to the previous year. The ...
Port of Gothenburg unveils largest Terminal Development in 40 …
2024年9月3日 · The road to Arendal 2 has been a long and complex one, reflecting years of planning, engineering, and commitment to sustainable growth: Late 1990s: The concept of a new terminal at Arendal Bay is included in the Port of Gothenburg’s master plan. 2015: The Land and Environment Court grants permission for the construction of a new cargo terminal.
Ny hamnterminal Arendal 2 har öppnat i Göteborg - Sjömannen
2024年9月2日 · Det tog sex år och har kostat 700 miljoner kronor, men nu är Göteborgs nya hamnterminal Arendal 2 klar och kan användas för godstransporter. En del av den nya ytan blir ny hemmahamn för Stena Lines passagerartrafik. Den nya hamnterminalen Arendal 2 invigdes den sista veckan i augusti och är Göteborgs Hamns största infrastrukturprojekt på […]
Gothenburg Port expands with largest terminal development in …
On August 29 2024, the Port of Gothenburg officially opened its largest terminal expansion in 40 years, Arendal 2; a new 144,000-square-meter terminal. This €60 million investment has been planned since the 1990s and has been in development since 2018. Meeting the increasing transportation needs of Swedish industry today, which are also ...
Ny teknik pilottestats i Göteborgs Hamns största …
2024年3月19日 · En skalbar vätgasgenerator omvandlar grön vätgas till el i terminalprojektet Arendal 2, vilket möjliggör arbete utan stöd från det fasta elnätet. ... Nya numret av Nordisk Infrastruktur ute nu (nr 2, 2025) Nya numret av Nordisk Infrastruktur ute nu (nr 2, 2025) Ohlssons tar över avfallshantering i Uppsala – inför fyrfackssystem.
The Largest Port Expansion in 40 Years Opens at the Port
2024年9月2日 · Timeline: Arendal 2 Late 1990s: A new terminal area in the Arendal bay is included in the Port of Gothenburg’s master plan. ... (JNPA) handled 616,164 TEUs of containers in February 2025, marking a 9.14% increase compared to February 2024, according to India Shipping News. The port recorded 6,629,242 TEUs of container traffic from April 2024 ...
Port of Gothenburg Opens New Arendal 2 Port Terminal
2024年9月2日 · With Arendal 2, the terminal operator gets a larger contiguous terminal area with more accessible hinterland to the important berths 712 and 713, as the port mentions. ... 17/02/2025 HHLA and German trade union ver.di sign collective agreement 13/02/2025 Subscribe to our Newsletter.