420A - Human Resources Technician - U.S. Army Recruiting …
2024年6月11日 · Monitor and manage the full spectrum of HR for the Commander and organization to include but not limited to essential personnel services, strength management, postal, casualty and replacement...
420A Human Resources Technician Duty Descriptions - ArmyWriter.com
Military Personnel Technician of the multi-component Sustainment Brigade (Modular), deployed to Iraq in support of OIF 08-10; provides combat personnel support to 4 Battalions and 3200 Soldiers; serves as the Human Resources (HR) advisor for the Brigade and Battalions S1s; responsible for the management and functionality of all HR systems, eMILP...
Human Resources Specialist | U.S. Army - goarmy.com
Whether you serve part time or full time as an enlisted Soldier or Army Officer, you’ll earn competitive pay with opportunities for bonuses, as well as receive health care at little to no cost. You could also receive money for education, student loan repayment assistance, training and certifications, housing, living expenses, and more.
Army National Guard
420A Human Resources Technician. Manage functions which support the Guard's Human Resource (HR)/Personnel Management systems.
Duties for MOS 42A at each level of skill are: Prepare personnel accounting and strength management reports. Prepare and reviews personnel casualty documents. Monitor appointment of line of duty,...
MOS 420A—Human Resources Technician - Army Portal
Human Resources Technician (MOS 420a) Duties: Manages functions which support the Army's Human Resource (HR) / Personnel Management systems. Performs duties as Chief of a Section in Technical Field Operations Section or in a HR Platoon of a HR Company. Serves as the HR Technician of a BCT (UA) or at any BDE/Group level in the Army structure.
2023年11月16日 · The Warrant Officer Recruiting Team will have CW4 Collins, Proponent Manager (420A) conducting an informational briefing at the Mission Training Center, FT Cavazos, TX to those looking to become...
Army 420A Warrant Officer: The Human Resources Technician
In order to become a 420A Human Resources Technician, you must first serve as either a 42A or 42F enlisted Soldier. In the Active Component, you must be an E-6, with 8 to 12 years of service and have completed the Army Leader’s Course or BNCOC equivalent. From what I read online you also need minimum 30 hours of college credits.
2023年3月21日 · support of every echelon of command across the Army and Department of Defense (DoD) through utilization of the four HR core competencies: Man the Force, Provide HR Services, Coordinate Personnel...
420A Human Resources Technician | mosroadmap.com
The Army MOS 420A is a Human Resources Technician. They are the HR subject matter expert for a BCT, Brigade/HHBN STB, Division/Corps, ASCC, HRSC, and higher echelons within the Army structure. They perform duties as a leader in any HR technical or joint field of operations.