Shaul BURD | Agricultural Research Organization ARO, Bet Dagan | aro ...
Shaul BURD | Cited by 1,151 | of Agricultural Research Organization ARO, Bet Dagan (aro) | Read 19 publications | Contact Shaul BURD
Aaron Burr - Wikipedia
Aaron Burr Jr. (February 6, 1756 – September 14, 1836) was an American politician, businessman, lawyer, and Founding Father who served as the third vice president of the United States from 1801 to 1805 during Thomas Jefferson's first presidential term. He founded the Manhattan Company on September 1, 1799.
Shaul BURD | Agricultural Research Organization ARO, Bet Dagan | aro …
Shaul BURD of Agricultural Research Organization ARO, Bet Dagan (aro) | Contact Shaul BURD
Identification of defense-related genes newly-associated with …
We identified four different defense-related genes, including: Cysteine-type endopeptidase, α-Dioxygenase 1 (α-DOX1), HopW-1-1-Interacting protein2 (WIN2), and Stomatal-derived factor-2 (SDF2), that are newly-associated with the late stage of the abscission process.
2010年7月5日 · After excising flowers or leaves from tomato (Solanum lycopersicum Mill.) inflorescences, leading to rapid pedicel or petiole abscission, respectively, we examined transcriptome changes in the...
Publication : USDA ARS
BURD, SHAUL - Volcani Center (ARO) SUNDARESAN, SRIVIGNESH - Volcani Center (ARO) VIJAY SELVARAJ, K.S. - Volcani Center (ARO) ... Volcani Center (ARO) MACNISH, ANDREW - University Of California REID, MICHAEL - University Of California Submitted to: Symposium Proceedings Publication ...
Aurora Burd at Antelope Valley College | Rate My Professors
Aurora Burd is a professor in the Geology department at Antelope Valley College - see what their students are saying about them or leave a rating yourself.
工业流体处理产品-英格索兰ARO官网-提供可靠的流体产品和解决 …
ARO EVO 系列™电动隔膜泵在一个突破性的无密封容积泵中提供了一套独特的成熟技术。 ARO 为各种应用提供液压活塞泵和气动活塞泵。 为各种粘性流体找到合适的柱塞泵解决方案。 100多年来,英格索兰ARO一直是压缩机、气动工具和空气处理设备设计和制造领域的行业领导者。 几乎在每个行业中,清洁空气都是确保工具、设备和机器能够高效运行的关键要素。 ARO润滑设备完整的产品线,确保在任何场合和工艺要求下均能提供高效的流体输送体验。 我们不断挑战难关, …
Aaron Burr | Biography, Alexander Hamilton, Duel, & Facts
2025年2月2日 · In 1800 Burr won the vice presidential nomination on the Jeffersonian Republican ticket. He carried New York state and thus helped bring about a national victory for his party.
Aaron Burd - Athletic Director - Griggsville-Perry School District ...
I am currently the athletic director for Griggsville-Perry School District, which puts me in charge of six sports. Along with these responsibilities, I am also coaching baseball and basketball.
- 职位: Experienced Educator and …
- 位置: Griggsville-Perry School District
- 人脉数: 85