Aroflux | Aromantics Wiki | Fandom
Aroflux is a romantic orientation on the aromantic spectrum. There are many definitions of aroflux that people use, two most popular, but not only, ng: A romantic orientation that fluctuates, but always stays on the aromantic spectrum. Aroflux people …
Aroflux - LGBTQIA+ Wiki - Miraheze
2024年8月3日 · Aroflux is a romantic orientation on the aromantic spectrum. It is defined as someone whose romantic orientation fluctuates. An aroflux individual may fluctuate between experiencing aromanticism, grayromanticism, and alloromanticism.
Ace & Aro Spectrum Definitions - OXFORD UNIVERSITY LGBTQ
Abrosexual / ace flux: someone who’s experiences of sexual attraction fluctuate; they may go through periods of asexuality and periods of experiencing sexual attraction. The strength of their attraction could also fluctuate, going through phases of weakness and intensity.
What Does Aroflux Mean? + Other Aroflux Information To Help …
2023年10月14日 · Aroflux people are individuals whose sexuality fluctuates from being aromantic to alloromantic. Their romantic orientation will, however, stay within the aromantic spectrum. Aroflux originates from “Aro” and “flux”. “Aro” is a short form for aromantic, and the suffix “flux” represents gender change or fluctuating.
Aroaceflux - LGBTQIA+ Wiki - Miraheze
Aroaceflux (also known as Aflux) is an orientation on the Aroace spectrum which describes someone who is both Aceflux and Aroflux. More simply, it is an orientation where one's sexual and romantic orientations fluctuate, but generally stay on …
Aroflux | Sexuality Wiki | Fandom
Aroflux is a romantic orientation on the aromantic spectrum in which one's level of romantic attraction fluctuates. An aroflux individual may fluctuate between experiencing aromanticism, grayromanticism, and alloromanticism, as well as any aro-spec identity in between.
What exactly is Aroflux? : r/aromantic - Reddit
2023年1月27日 · Yep, basically it’s fluctuating from one point to another point on the aromantic spectrum, whether that be in intensity, or in type of aromanticsm. Sometimes it’s about by intensity for me (from neutral towards either direction) and sometimes it’s by type (demiromantic, cupioromantic, but usually grey-aro for me personally).
Aroflux - MOGAI Wiki
Aroflux is defined as someone who's romantic orientation fluctuates, but generally stays close on the Aromantic Spectrum. An Aroflux person may feel very strongly Aromantic one day and "less" Aromantic another day, they might feel Demiromantic or Greyromantic at times. Some Aroflux people also feel like they are Alloromantic at times.
Aroflux ace, can I still call myself aroace? : r/aromanticasexual - Reddit
2022年1月1日 · aroace means you fall on both the aro and ace spectrums. it does NOT mean you are both black-stripe ace and green-stripe aro. Someone could be aegosexual and demiromantic, for example, and they could still be aroace. So since aroflux is on the aro spectrum, yeah! you can totally still use the label aroace!
r/aroflux - Reddit
Subreddit for information on/people who identify as the romantic orientation known as aroflux Aroflux is when your romantic orientation fluctuates, often on the aromantic spectrum. You might be aromantic one day, panromantic the next, or something you can’t quite place the day after that. (Please tell me if this is a good description of being aroflux, I don’t know any others)