Examples of CBA 1 work - Curriculum Online
Students learned the skills, materials and processes involved in the designing, making and printing of a series of black and white lino prints on a variety of grounds. Students chose a theme from the three options (Hidden treasures/Light and shade/My viewpoint) and worked from a primary source that was based on that theme.
Visual Art - Curriculum Online
The curriculum sets out clear expectations for students, across the three integrated strands of Art, Craft and Design. To access the curriculum specification, assessment guidelines, examples of student work as well as the Junior Certificate Art, Craft, Design syllabus, which will end in 2019, click on the graphic.
As part of Classroom-Based Assessment 1, students will: • Choose their initial Consider the Research explore theme appropriate primary sources generate their realised work Visual Art strand through which they will primarily • Record all Further develop work and …
Visual Art - NCCA
Visual Art will develop the knowledge, skills and understanding necessary to produce and to engage with authentic and original art, craft and design work. In so doing, they will begin to develop the visual literacy, critical skills and language …
Assessment to suit your students’ needs and context. In CBA 1 ‘From Proces. l realise one artefact. Three-dimensional artefacts Students must realise a minimum of one artefact in three …
Visual Art - Junior Cycle for Teachers (JCT)
Welcome to the Visual Art section of the Junior Cycle for Teachers (JCT) website.
In each strand, the main learning outcomes to be assessed through From Process to Realisation are:
Art - St Colmcille's CS
Junior Cycle Visual Art consists of 3 elements: Classroom based assessment 1 (CBA 1) completed in January - May in 2nd year. Classroom based assessment 2 (CBA 2) completed in September- December of 3rd year. Final SEC Assessment - Completed in a booklet issued by the State Examination Commission (SEC) in December – May of 3rd year.
Art - Scariff Community College
Art, Craft and Design is the expression of creative skill in a visual form. It emphasises ideas, feelings, and visual qualities through imaginative and technical skill. Design encompasses the process of planning, problem solving and creating a design in response to a brief. Students receive three themes to research.
ART Students should be able to: 1.1 analyse their work, or that of another, using appropriate vocabulary and knowledge. 1.4 demonstrate how they use drawing to observe, record and analyse the human figure and the world around them. 1.6 use drawings to communicate their personal outlook or understanding.