Senior - Wikipedia
Senior (shortened as Sr.) means "the elder" in Latin and is often used as a suffix for the elder of two or more people in the same family with the same given name, usually a parent or grandparent. It may also refer to:
Speech Recognition Module Python - GeeksforGeeks
2024年3月19日 · What is the Speech Recognition module in Python? The Speech Recognition module, often referred to as SpeechRecognition, is a library that allows Python developers to convert spoken language into text by utilizing various speech recognition engines and APIs.
The Meanings and Connotations of “Junior” and “Senior”
2013年1月25日 · The abbreviation Sr., following a name (again, with no intervening comma), indicates that the man so named has a son with the exact same name. As an adjective, senior designates someone or something as having been born, or established or enrolled, before another, or being of higher rank.
How to Use Post-Nominal Abbreviations - Honor & Respect
In British English, abbreviations do not get periods: Mr, Dr, Ave,St, etc. British style books suggest post-nominals abbreviations without periods: PhD, MD, MSW, MBA. So how do you write abbreviations: with periods or without periods? The quick answer is to match the style of punctuation you already follow.
Speech Recognition in Python - The Python Code
Speech Recognition is the technology that allows to transform human speech into digital text. In this tutorial, you will learn how to perform automatic speech recognition with Python. This is a hands-on guide, you will learn to use the following: SpeechRecognition library: This library contains several engines and APIs, both online and offline.
What is the Abbreviation for Senior? - Writing Explained
Definition of Senior: Senior is defined as of a more advanced age; holding a high and authoritative position; a person who is a specified number of years older than someone else. For example, Lora was voted unanimously for the coveted “Senior Citizen Lifetime Achievement Award”. Aria was only four years his senior.
Sr. | English meaning - Cambridge Dictionary
Sr. definition: 1. written abbreviation for senior, used after a man's name to refer to the older of two people in…. Learn more.
Como escrever Srs e Sras? - TodasAsRespostas.pt
O que significa Sr e Sra? A abreviatura srta é comum em cartas ou e-mails, e significa senhorita, que é um termo respeitoso para se dirigir a pessoas jovens e solteiras do sexo feminino. A abreviatura sra, que significa "senhora", é uma maneira formal de tratar uma mulher casada.
American Sports Sulzbach-Rosenberg - Startseite
2024年1月3日 · Das ist die Homepage des Vereins American Sports Sulzbach-Rosenberg. Hier stellen wir unsere Teams vor, informieren über Veranstaltungen und bieten allerlei Infos über den Verein. Gerne stellen wir hier auch unsere Freunde und Förderer näher vor.
Como se abrevia senhores e senhoras? - Você Pergunta
2021年9月3日 · Como se abrevia senhores e senhoras? a) O Senhor, a Senhora: o Sr., os Srs.; a Sr. ª, as Sr.as (com as como anteriormente). b) O senhor Doutor, a senhora Doutora: o senhor Dr., a senhora Dr. ª; os senhores Dr.es, as senhoras Dr.as (com es e as como anteriormente). Qual a abreviatura de senhoras?