ShAK-12 - Wikipedia
The ShAK-12, (Russian: ШАК-12) originally under the name ASh-12.7 (АШ-12.7, which stands for "Автомат штурмовой 12.7мм" or "automatic assault carbine 12.7mm") battle rifle is a dedicated CQB / Urban Operations weapon, developed by TsKIB SOO ("Central Design and Research Bureau of Sporting and Hunting Arms"), [2] a subsidiary of the KBP Instrumen...
ShAK-12突擊步槍 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
ASh-12.7是針對高風險執法行動而研製的近身距離作戰及城市作戰專用武器,在設計時必須考慮到具備強大制止力的同時,其子彈的貫穿力也不得過高,以及必須以縮短有效射程的方式來縮短其“危險範圍”,以避免沒有命中目標的流彈飛得太遠,或彈頭穿透目標 ...
ASh-12突击步枪(ShAK-12系统) ——〖枪炮世界〗
ASh-12.7 - Modern Firearms
The ASh-12 assault rifle is unusual in that it uses short recoil operated action with rotary bolt loking. It is of bullpup layout, with steel upper receiver and polymer lower receiver. Ejection is to the right only. Manual safety is ambidextrous and is located above the trigger guard.
什么!12.7mm的自动突击步枪?俄罗斯ShAK-12/ASH-12.7mm自 …
2024年12月9日 · 俄罗斯研制ShAK-12型12.7mm大口径突击步枪,用于应对身穿防弹衣和吸毒的恐怖分子,具备穿甲能力和可控后坐力,已用于乌克兰战场。 要说这个世界上,在轻武器方面哪个国家最能整花活,除了美帝以外,就当属俄罗斯了。 你能想象,他们竟然搞了一款12.7mm口径的自动步枪吗? 而且还是军队采购的制式武器。 难道俄国人已经在为机甲战争做准备了吗? 今天,我们就来了解一下这款,来自俄罗斯的:ShAK-12型12.7mm大口径突击步枪。 ShAK-12也就是 …
ASh-12.7 - 火器百科
采用重弹时,ASh-12.7的枪口初速在290-315m/s之间,有效射程只有100米,而城市巷战正常交火距离在50米左右,基本可以满足。 目前ASh-12.7突击步枪公布的资料和图片都很少,能从图片上确定的就是采用无托结构,至少有两种型号,一种是带固定提把,另一种没有提 ...
ASh-12.7 | Gun Wiki | Fandom
The ASh-12.7 (Russian: AШ-12,7; Автомат штурмовой, Avtomat Shturmovoy, literally "Automatic rifle") is a high-caliber Russian battle rifle. The weapon appears to be part of the ShAK-12 (Cyrillic: ШАК-12) complex.[1]
What Russia’s most powerful assault rifle is capable of
In order to fulfil the needs of the Spec Ops units, Russian engineers created a weapon that was chambered with the most powerful assault rifle ammo in the world - 12.7х55 mm rounds. Engineers...
Ash-12 - Blogger
2020年1月6日 · The Ash-12 is a Russian bullpup select-fire special purpose rifle chambered for 12.7x55mm. It was designed for high short-range stopping power in urban environments. Bullpup, select fire (semi / full auto 650 RPM). The 12.7x55 is a heavy subsonic caliber. The PS12 is the mid-range round that combines average armor penetration with average damage.
What caliber is the ASH-12? | [January Updated] - TheGunZone
2024年2月18日 · The ASH-12 has a cyclic rate of fire of around 600 rounds per minute in fully automatic mode. What is the effective stopping power of the ASH-12? The 12.7mm caliber of the ASH-12 provides significant stopping power, capable of neutralizing threats with fewer shots.
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