List of equipment of the Albanian Armed Forces - Wikipedia
After the process of replacing the AK47 variants (many of which were locally produced under the name ASh-78 and ASh-82) with the AR70/90 was ended, the rifle became the standard weapon and most used over most Land Forces branches.
Shvetsov ASh-82 - Wikipedia
The Shvetsov ASh-82 (M-82) is a Soviet 14-cylinder, two-row, air-cooled radial aircraft engine developed from the Shvetsov M-62. The M-62 was the result of development of the M-25, which was a licensed version of the Wright R-1820 Cyclone.
Kalashnikov rifle - Wikipedia
Kalashnikov rifles (Russian: Автоматы Калашникова), also known as the AK platform, AK rifles or simply the AK, are a family of assault rifles based on Mikhail Kalashnikov's original design.
An Albanian ASh78-1 Kalashnikov in Kabul | thefirearmblog.com
2018年5月2日 · At first it appeared to be a handmade Darra Adam Khel rifle due to the extremely rough markings, as a copy of a Chinese Type 56. But upon consulting with TFB’s resident Soviet small arms armorer, this is indeed a very legitimate, factory made, Albanian ASh78-1 rifle.
Models - Thinline Weapons Wiki
Model 3 - 7.62x39/9x19 - The Model 3 is a battle rifle and submachine gun combo rifle developed by IM Arms of Ohio for urban warfare. The top barrel feeds from an AK drum and uses an AK operating system, whole the lower barrel is a simple blow back system feeding from UZI mags.
Modern Small Arms - Thinline Weapons
Modern Small Arms: Albanian SKS (July 10th Rifle) Automatiku Shqiptar ASh-78 TIP-1 / TIP-2 / TIP-3. Automatiku Shqiptar ASh-82
ASH 78 | Gun Wiki - Fandom
The ASH 78 (Automatiku Shqiptar, lit. "Albanian automatic") is a series of assault rifles and an Albanian copy of the Chinese Type 56 assault rifle. The rifle series is unique as it also...
卡拉什尼科夫自動步槍 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
卡拉什尼科夫 自動步槍 (俄语: Автомат Калашникова, 羅馬化:Avtomat Kalashnikova,缩写为 「АК」),于1947年研制的版本稱為“AK-47”, [4] 卡拉什尼科夫 自動步槍 是由 前蘇聯 槍械設計師 米哈伊爾·季莫費耶維奇·卡拉什尼科夫 設計的 突击步枪。 卡拉什尼科夫原本是 蘇聯紅軍 的坦克兵,在 布良斯克战役 受伤送至後方醫院救治後而開始研究槍械工藝,期間他在工廠裡自行設計了一支 衝鋒槍,是為 PPK-42 (俄语:Пистолет-пулемёт Калашникова (1942)) (ППК …
Shvetsov ASh-82 - 华文百科
Shvetsov Ash-82(M-82) 是由 Shvetsov M-62 开发的苏联14缸,两排径向径向 飞机 发动机。 M-62是 M-25 开发的结果,M-25是 Wright R-1820旋风 的许可版本。 Arkadiy Shvetsov 通过他领导的 OKB -19设计局重新设计了Wright Cyclone Design,用于俄罗斯航空引擎制造实践和公制尺寸和紧固件,减少了 中风,尺寸和重量。 这使发动机可以在轻型飞机中使用,在该飞机中,无法安装“干燥”条件下约930千克(2,045磅)重量的美国设计 双旋风旋风。 该发动机于1940年进入 …
1. Albanian ASH-78 still in use with reserves and police. 2 ... - Reddit
2022年2月22日 · 1. Albanian ASH-78 still in use with reserves and police. 2. Different Albanian produced arms. 3. Albanian ASH-78 (left) next to a Chinese spiker (right). 4. Albanian ash 78 "fixed stock" and a ASH 82 "underfolder". Most people aren't aware that …