Ash for stocks - American Longrifles
2014年9月16日 · Yep, ash is a good stock wood. I'd use it on a utilitarian piece without a lot of carving detail, as it's got a lot of contrast between growth rings. That said, Chris Laubach made a stunning carved ash-stocked gun. Ramrod scrapers are all sold out.
ShAK-12 - Wikipedia
The ShAK-12, (Russian: ШАК-12) originally under the name ASh-12.7 (АШ-12.7, which stands for "Автомат штурмовой 12.7мм" or "automatic assault carbine 12.7mm") battle rifle is a dedicated CQB/Urban Operations weapon, developed by TsKIB SOO ("Central Design and Research Bureau of Sporting and Hunting Arms"), [2] a ...
Ash stocked Southern Mountain Rifle finished
2019年2月9日 · Ash stock with tannic acid, iron nitrate, Chambers oil and lastly Bri Wax. 42" long - swamped octagon, 50 caliber Rice Southern Classic barrel with square bottom rifling, rust finished. Chambers Mountain lock, Davis #4 trigger and brass mounts. Partial butt plate. Beautiful! I'd say that ash is fully as beautiful as maple.
Ash squirrel rifle - American Longrifles
2019年10月14日 · With this being my third ash stocked rifle, I have come to the conclusion that I really am not that fond of working with ash. But I thought I would post a few pictures. It has a 38" 32 cal Early American Rice barrel with a small Siler lock.
Ash | Operators | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege - Ubisoft
Ash is a fast-paced front liner; capable of breaching, flanking and dividing the Defender's attention in seconds. Ash is capable of ranged soft breaching thanks to her modified M120 CREM Breaching Rounds.
如何评价俄罗斯的ash12.7突击步枪? - 知乎
平均重约68公克的重型铜被覆钢芯弹头提供了于前者数倍的火力和穿甲侵彻力,特制穿甲型预计可威胁NIJ III级防弹插板。 同时,因存速性能的提高有效射程也从前者的300公尺提高至700公尺以上,百码测试精度达到1MOA,使得作为使用亚音速弹药的微声狙击步枪VSK足够具备常规狙击或精确射击的任务的基本能力。 ASH-12.7战斗步枪作为使用此特制口径弹药的武器,不免存在试验与拓展性质。 与VSK狙击步枪虽然共用同一规格的弹药12.7x55mm,但弹头和装药量却是重新 …
ASh-12突击步枪(ShAK-12系统) ——〖枪炮世界〗
该枪的原型于2011年首次亮相,当时原型的名称叫ASh-12.7(俄语АШ-12.7),即“12.7毫米自动步枪”的缩写,是一种专门用于巷战的CQB武器,是由KBP设计局(俄语简称КПБ,全称Tsentral运动和狩猎武器设计局,或叫ЦКИБ СОО,是图拉设备设计局的子公司)设计的。
Ash for gunstock - The Muzzleloading Forum
2006年12月17日 · I have seen one German wheellock rifle stocked in curly ash, and Gun #111 in RCA is stocked in Ash (this gun could easily be either German or American...I lean towards German). The English used a lot of Ash for stocking military guns and "utility" guns sent to America in the 17th and early 18th centuries (often painted brown).
White Ash Virginia Custom 50 - Sitting Fox Custom Muzzleloaders
2025年2月5日 · This White Ash Virginia Rifle was built by Rick Baker, ColonialRifleSmith. The rifle features a 43-inch custom swamped .50 cal. polished barrel. The lock is an L&R Classic, known for its reliability and fast timing. The lock is triggered by an L&R double-set trigger which fires into a bronze-lined vent, set in the sunrise position,
Ash stock finish? - The Muzzleloading Forum
2010年8月4日 · I'm wondering if, when used in a longrifle stock, the ash is typically stained before finishing? Also, is there a preferred type oil finish for an ash rifle stock, or will TruOil,linseed, or a Danish oil finish suffice?