Ash for stocks - American Longrifles
2014年9月16日 · Yep, ash is a good stock wood. I'd use it on a utilitarian piece without a lot of carving detail, as it's got a lot of contrast between growth rings. That said, Chris Laubach made a stunning carved ash-stocked gun.
Gunstocks - Dunlap Woodcrafts
We offer full-stocks for Fowlers, Brown Bess, and guns like those. Additionally, we can also provide half-stocks for single and double barrel shotguns and modern gunstocks in different thickness.
Military Stocks - Dunlap Woodcrafts
1896 and 1989 stocks are currently available, and the 1892 stock is being reworked and should be available by early summer 2000. Download our Model Krag brochure
Woodcraft Woodshop Ash Wood Turning Stock
Ash (Fraxinus americana) has a light brown heartwood with almost all white sapwood. The wood has straight, coarse, open-pored grain of even texture. Common uses for Ash include cabinets, chairs, flooring, food containers, tool handles and sporting implements. Ash - 3" x 3" x 12" - …
Ash Hardwood Lumber - Buy Ash Wood Online
Ash wood possesses decent strength properties for its weight and is shock resistant. It has high elasticity which makes it a popular choice for bows and steam bending projects. Applying a stain to Ash produces a similar look to Red Oak .
What woods were used for stocks? Besides walnut? - CAS City
2007年1月31日 · Ash is an ideal resiliant wood. That's why it is use for baseball bats. But ash, like oak, has a strong open grain and is suceptable to splitting. I have never heard of a gunstock being made of ash. Maple was fairly common with craftsman type gunsmiths building rifles one at a time, lock, stock, and barrel.
Ash wood stock? - Shotgun Forum
2024年1月29日 · Ash is probably a fine wood mechanically for a muzzleloader stock. Ash is probably too open grained to take checkering for a shotgun or rifle stock. Walnut is a lot better in terms of workability and beauty and the ability to take a finish.
About Us - Gunstock Wood
Our specialization is the traditional curly maple gunstock quality wood, however we usually have figured cherry, ash and oak on hand. All grades of maple are regularly available, however, before placing an order for the other figured hardwoods, please inquire as to availability of specific grades and price.
Ash Lumber for Woodworkers - Friendly Service & Fast Shipping …
Ash exudes charm and sophistication with its naturally pale hue and enchanting open grain textures. Renowned among wood enthusiasts and artisans alike, it offers a winning combination of resilience, aesthetic appeal, and effortless workability, making it a prime selection for woodworking projects.
Ash wood stock - NY Gun Forum
2020年4月18日 · This is a stock I am working on made from a piece of 'curly' ash. It still has scraper marks showing but I just wanted to show just one small thing among...