In-situ plasma monitoring of PECVD a-Si:H(i)/a-Si:H (n) surface ...
Abstract: Silicon-based solar cell manufacturing via plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition (PECVD) of both active/passive layers is investigated. In addition, in-situ plasma diagnostics of the deposition process can be monitored in real-time.
以上3 层pecvd 部分是决定a-si:h tft 的迁 移率的关键步骤, 采用PECVD 工艺, 主要材料为工 艺气体硅烷(SiH 4 )、磷烷(PH 3 )、氨气(NH 3 )、笑气
Automated PECVD System for Fabrication of a-Si:H Devices
2014年1月1日 · This paper reports a fully automated plasma-enhanced plasma chemical vapor deposition (PECVD) system for thin-film deposition. This system can be used for the deposition of hydrogenated amorphous silicon (a-Si:H) and nanocrystalline silicon for devices like solar cells or optical sensors with good film homogeneity and material properties ...
Large-scale data analysis of PECVD amorphous silicon interface ...
2018年10月31日 · In this study, the process of hydrogenated amorphous silicon (a-Si:H) thin films is prepared by plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition (PECVD) in conjunction with the in situ plasma diagnostic tool of optical emission spectrometer (OES).
Effect of PECVD a-Si Growth Temperature on the ... - IEEE Xplore
In this work the effect of PECVD a-Si growth temperature on the performance of a-Si/c-Si solar cells is studied. Phosphorus doped amorphous silicon was deposited using PECVD at three different temperatures: 150 °C, 200 °C, and 250 °C. A thin film ALD deposited ZnO is used as the anti-reflective coating.
Silicon surface passivation with a-Si:H by PECVD: growth …
2023年6月23日 · The surface passivation of crystalline silicon (c-Si) is studied during growth of hydrogenated amorphous silicon (a-Si:H) by means of plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition (PECVD). The surface passivation is characterized by an in-situ method of the photocurrent measurement of c-Si during the growth of an a-Si:H passivation layer at various ...
Uniformity control of the deposition rate profile of a-Si:H film by …
2018年3月19日 · The effect of neutral transport on the deposition rate profiles of thin films formed by plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition (PECVD) is investigated to improve the uniformity of amorphous hydrogenated silicon films.
2015年3月7日 · 影响非晶硅沉积的因素很多,通过研究发现,在RF—PECVD中:提高硅烷浓度、沉积功率和沉积温度都能提高a.sj:H的沉积速率,最高沉积速率可达O39n耐s。
2023年3月14日 · In this paper, we study the surface passivation of c-Si during the growth of an a-Si:H passivation layer. To do that, the in situ photocurrent in c-Si is measured throughout the growth of a-Si:H by PECVD.
Quantitative hydrogen measurements in PECVD and HWCVD a-Si…
2006年6月6日 · Fourier transform infra-red (FTIR) spectra of the PECVD and HWCVD samples exhibit strong absorption peaks that correspond to Si–H bend and stretch modes, and Si–H 2 stretch modes.