HeliQuads (Variable Pitch Multicopters) — Copter documentation
ArduPilot supports HeliQuads, also called Collective Pitch Quadcopters or Variable Pitch Multicopters. Heli quad requires a traditional helicopter as the base firmware. It is available for download from the firmware server. When Copter is compiled, it now generates both traditional helicopter and multirotor firmware.
四旋翼无人机SO(3)高性能全姿态控制 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
2019年7月8日 · 开心飞翔,灵动如鸽~愿与无人机爱好者,共创一片蓝天梦! 本人正在做 几何控制 的研究课题,看到网上推荐的一篇好文《High performance full attitude of a quadrotor on SO (3)》,基于此做了些仿真,为方便导师了解相关知识做了译文,也顺便将其放在网上以便大家一起学习。 为了避免在知乎的重新排版,这里将截图附上,如需完整译文,可在微信公众号欣飞鸽回复SO (3)即可获取。 本人对于这篇文章控制律的稳定性条件有些不解, 该稳定性条件只给出了Kp的 …
hector_quadrotor 功能包结构简介(ROS开源的无 ... - Amovlab
2019年6月22日 · 想在ROS+Gazebo环境下做无人机相关可视化仿真,可以详细了解该功能包。 根据官网上的Quadrotor outdoor flight demo的tutorial 运行demo效果如下: 好像腾讯视频的链接比较稳定,优酷我们之前传的也失效了。 你也可以直接把视频上传本地附件哈~ https://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNDIzODEyMzQ4OA==.html?spm=a2hzp.8253869.0.0 附件上传 …
wilselby/ROS_quadrotor_simulator - GitHub
RotorS is a UAV gazebo simulator developed by the Autonomous Systems Laboratory at ETH Zurich. It provides some multirotor models such as the AscTec Hummingbird, the AscTec Pelican, or the AscTec Firefly, but the simulator is not limited for the use with these multicopters.
A Review of Quadrotor Unmanned Aerial Vehicles: Applications
2022年1月22日 · Over the past decade, unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) have received a significant attention due to their diverse capabilities for non-combatant and military applications. The primary aim of this study is to unveil a clear categorization overview for more than a decade worth of substantial progress in UAVs.
【无人机】基于quadrotor实现四旋翼无人机航路规划附matlab代 …
2023年9月15日 · 在本文中,我们将探讨基于quadrotor实现的四旋翼无人机航路规划。 航路规划是无人机飞行的关键环节之一。 它涉及到确定无人机的飞行路径和行为,以达到预定的目标。
Roller-Quadrotor: A Novel Hybrid Terrestrial/Aerial Quadrotor …
We develop comprehensive models and controllers for the Roller-Quadrotor and validate their performance through experiments. The results demonstrate its seamless transition between aerial and terrestrial locomotion, as well as its ability to safely …
nitishthatte/QuadrotorILQR: iLQR for a 3D quadrotor model - GitHub
This is an implementation of an Iterative Linear Quadratic Regulator (iLQR) to generate trajectories for a quadrotor model.
四旋翼无人机仿真之hector_quadrotor(ROS+Gazebo ... - CSDN博客
在前一篇文章中,我们对四旋翼无人机模型hector_quadrotor进行了详细的介绍,并对安装方式以及可能遇到的安装问题进行了说明。 在上述问题全部解决后,我们便可以正常运行其中给到的两个demo,但是我们是想要运行并操作无人机,这就需要我们额外安装其他文件。
Monocular Event-Based Vision for Obstacle Avoidance with a Quadrotor
2024年11月5日 · We present the first static-obstacle avoidance method for quadrotors using just an onboard, monocular event camera.