Astrea annuligera - Corals of the World
Septa taper from the wall to the columella and are in three cycles; those of the primary cycle are usually exsert, widely spaced, and have well developed paliform lobes. Most colonies have at least some development of ‘groove and tubercle’ structures. Colour: Mottled or uniform green and brown, with darker calices.
Richness of Colchic vegetation: comparison between refugia of …
2001年12月20日 · The Colchis is one of the species-rich refugia and a centre of biological diversity in western Eurasia. We analysed patterns of richness, endemism and invasions in relation to taxonomy (family membership), life form, certain habitats in the Colchis, and compared them to patterns found for Japan.
秋水仙属 - 百度百科
秋水仙属(学名:Colchicum L.):是百合目、秋水仙科的一属植物。 该属植物株形相对较小,具有被囊状的 球茎。 茎直立,几乎无,单;最下面的叶是膜质的、有鞘管状的叶绿色,不伸入叶片,其次是几片叶子,基部有鞘。 叶狭椭圆形至线形。 伞形花序 具苞片;花梗短,直立,花小而不起眼,被大花瓣状苞片覆盖;花被片离生,具狭长的爪子和展开的窄叶片,基部凹且有蜜腺。 雄蕊着生于花被片的基部;花丝丝状,向基部加厚;花药狭长圆形,背着,稍微多样化,通过纵向 …
Richness of Colchic vegetation: comparison between refugia of …
Results: We found that in the Colchis perennials are significantly over-represented in endemic species, and that they typically occur on limestone soils and in alpine tall herbaceous vegetation. The Asteraceae produce significantly large number of both endemic and alien species, whereas the Poaceae are over-represented in alien species but ...
Colchicum - Wikipedia
Colchicum (/ ˈkɒltʃɪkəm / KOL-chik-əm or / ˈkɒlkɪkəm / KOL-kik-əm) [2] is a genus of perennial flowering plants containing around 160 species which grow from bulb-like corms.
Has Ever Brahmaea Ledereri Rogenhofer, 1873 Inhabited the Colchis ...
2015年6月25日 · The interdisciplinary study of the orthodox view regarding the vicariant event between two species of moths as thoughthey are indigenous of Colchis (B. ledereri) and Talysh (B. christophi) does not actually exist. The reason circumstances to express such opinion remain important due for a variety of reasons which are given below.
Colchicum autumnale L. (Colchicaceae) | SpringerLink
2020年4月22日 · Modern phytonyms refer to the land of Colchis, a mythical place close to Armenia. According to Byzantine historians, first use of C. autumnale in the treatment of gout was by the 5th century physician, Jacob Psychristus.
Astrea curta - Corals of the World
Characters: Colonies are spherical, columnar or flattened. Corallites are circular and widely spaced to closely compacted. The width of calices varies greatly, this variation mostly occurring between, rather than within, colonies. Long and short septa alternate. Small paliform lobes are usually developed.
[The autumn crocus: two millenniums of actuality] - PubMed
Colchicum holds a singular place in the History of Medicine. Many names were given through the ages: "ephemera", "finger of Hermes", "pater noster", "tue-chiens". Modern phytonyms clearly refer to the land of Colchis, a mythical place close to Armenia.
Colchic Rainforests and Wetlands - Wikipedia
The Colchic Rainforests and Wetlands (Georgian: კოლხეთის ტროპიკული ტყეები და ჭაობები, romanized: k'olkhetis t'rop'ik'uli t'q'eebi da ch'aobebi) is a UNESCO World Heritage Site in Georgia, which comprises parts of the Colchis Lowland along some 80 …
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