ASUS Prime AP201 MicroATX Case|Cases|ASUS Global
The ASUS Prime AP201 is a stylish 33-liter MicroATX case with tool-free side panels and a quasi-filter mesh, with support for 360 mm coolers, graphics cards up to 338 mm long, and standard ATX PSUs.
ASUS Prime AP201 MicroATX Case|機殼|ASUS 台灣
ASUS Prime AP201 是一款 33 公升的時尚 MicroATX 機殼,搭載方形開放式金屬網孔的側板,免工具即可開啟。 可容納 360 mm 水冷散熱器、長達 338 mm 顯示卡及標準 ATX 電源供應器。
AP201 冰立方 MESH版 | 机箱 | ASUS 华硕 - 华硕商城
AP201 冰立方 MESH版是一款 33L 的时尚 MicroATX 机箱,搭载方形开放式金属网孔的侧板,免工具即可开启,可容纳 360 mm 水冷散热器、长达 338 mm 显卡及标准 ATX 电源。 免工具侧板拆卸设计: 简单安全的支架设计,可轻松拆除机壳侧板,并防止意外脱落。 ASUS AP201 冰立方机箱采用 microATX 机箱设计,支持 360mm 一体式冷排和支持长达 338 mm 的显卡,虽然尺寸小巧,拥有强大的兼容能力。 AP201 机箱的侧板采用免工具拆卸和防跌落设计,其优雅的造型勾 …
ASUS Prime AP201 33-Liter MicroATX Black case with Tool-Free …
Industry-Leading Spatial Efficiency: Despite a 33L footprint, the AP201 supports ATX PSUs up to 180 mm long, graphics cards up to 338 mm long, custom liquid cooling, and various storage devices. Tool-Free Side Panels: A simple yet secure clip mechanism allows chassis side panels to be easily removed and resistant to accidental dislodging.
ASUS PRIME CASE AP201機殼開箱 - Mobile01
2022年11月11日 · 33公升體積,支援Micro ATX主機板及ATX電源供應器,可容納360mm一體式水冷散熱器及338mm長度顯示卡 正面/頂部/左側面/右側面配置金屬網孔板,提供獨特外觀視覺,增大通風面積同時過濾較大異物/灰塵 免工具側板固定結構,可輕鬆開啟 頂部/後方/底部均有安裝風扇的...
ASUS Prime AP201 is a stylish 33-liter MicroATX case with tool …
The ASUS Prime AP201 is a breakthrough in microATX chassis design, delivering a high-performance platform that invites 360 mm AIO coolers and graphics cards up to 338 mm long, all within a compact 33-liter space.
ASUS Prime AP201 Tempered Glass MicroATX Case|Cases|ASUS Global
The ASUS Prime AP201 Tempered Glass version is a stylish 33-liter MicroATX case with tool-free side panels, with support for 360 mm coolers, graphics cards up to 338 mm long, and standard ATX PSUs. Optimized for Cooling: With support for 280 and 360mm radiators and up to six fans, the AP201 is primed to deal with the thermal onslaught of high ...
Asus Prime AP201 Review - TechPowerUp
2022年9月5日 · Don't be fooled by the fact that the Asus Prime AP201 is an M-ATX case. In fact, it may well be the reason you end up going for that type of motherboard instead of the classic ATX or ITX options out there. The AP201 manages to impress all around with its simple, yet functional, very balanced interior combined with a clean, beautiful exterior
Amazon.com: ASUS Prime AP201 33-Liter MicroATX White case …
ASUS Prime AP201 33-Liter MicroATX White case with Tool-Free Side Panels and a Quasi-Filter mesh, with Support for 360 mm Coolers, Graphics Cards up to 338 mm Long, and Standard ATX PSUs
AP201 冰立方 侧透版 | 机箱 | ASUS 华硕 - 华硕商城
ASUS AP201 冰立方机箱采用 microATX 机箱设计,强化高清钢化玻璃侧透可展示您精心建构的电竞设备,打造个性风格。 支持 360mm 一体式冷排和支持长达 338 mm 的显卡,虽然尺寸小巧,拥有强大的兼容能力。