ACPL-T350-500E_Broadcom/AVAGO(安华高)_ACPL-T350-500E中 …
These optocouplers are ideally suited for driving power IGBTs and MOSFETs used in motor control inverter applications. The high operating voltage range of the output stage provides the drive voltages required by gate-controlled devices.
2011年4月27日 · Offering high reliability features, leading edge technologies, cost-effective scalability features, and a comprehensive list of management features the Acer AT350 F1 delivers high-availability with optimal power efficiency for demanding departmental and …
For IGBTs with higher ratings, the ACPL-T350 series can be used to drive a discrete power stage whichs drives the IGBT gate. The ACPL-T350 has an insulation voltage of VIORM = 630 Vpeak (Option 060). Note: A 0.1 μF bypass capacitor must be connected between pins VCC and VEE.
喜德盛 AD300 和 AD350 作为入门公路车,是否值得购买?
AD350更适合追求骑行速度更快,而且预算更高的车友. 预算3000左右,还可以考虑买喜德盛RC618标准版。 喜德盛RC618是京东和喜德盛强强联手,精心研发打造的公路自行车。 RC618标准版主要配置和AD300非常相近,价格也非常接近。 主要的区别是:RC618标准版选用的是禧玛诺的变速套件,机械碟刹,速别是16速。
4 METTLER TOLEDO ACT350 PLC通讯手册 30524880 | 00 | 12/2018 C 通讯手册 2 标准自动化接口(SAI)协 议介绍 2.1. 概述 标准自动化接口(SAI,Standard Automation Interface)是梅特勒-托利多的标准通讯协议, 用于设备和用户自动化控制系统之间通信。
AT350 GATE DRIVER OPTOCOUPLER SO-8. The AT350 contains a GaAsP LED. The LED is optically coupled to an integrated circuit with a power output stage. These optocouplers are ideally suited for driving power IGBTs and MOSFETs used in motor control inverter applications.
AT350 是一种 输出电流为 2.5A 的栅极驱动光电耦合器, 具有一个砷化铝镓 ( A l G a A s ) 发光二极管, 通过红外 光耦合到光敏集成电路。 这种光电耦合器可驱动大多数的小功率 IGBTs 和MOSFETs。
ACPL-T350-500E 参数 Datasheet PDF下载 - 芯三七
ACPL-T350-000E to order product of 300mil DIP package in tube packaging and RoHS compliant. Option datasheets are available. Contact your Avago sales representative or authorized distributor for information. Remarks: The notation ‘#XXX’ is used for existing products, while (new) products launched since 15th July 2001 and.