2015 American Thyroid Association Management Guidelines for …
We have developed evidence-based recommendations to inform clinical decision-making in the management of thyroid nodules and differentiated thyroid cancer. They represent, in our opinion, contemporary optimal care for patients with these disorders.
Thyroid Cancer Staging Calculator (AJCC 8th Edition)
The calculator below is provided as a tool for staging differentiated papillary thyroid cancer and follicular thyroid cancer. The TNM definitions included are based on AJCC/TNM 2016 Eighth Edition criteria. Click here to access the ATA Fellows Card which provides more information on the TNM System of the American Joint Committee on Cancer (AJCC).
ATA Guidelines & Statements - American Thyroid Association
ATA Clinical Affairs Committee provide teaching tools for the use of the Management of Patients with Anaplastic Thyroid Cancer Guidelines. Initial Diagnosis, Evaluation and Goals of Care in ATC. Surgical management and Radiotherapy for ATC.
ATA Risk Stratification for Differentiated Thyroid Cancers - Dr …
2019年9月25日 · The ATA risk stratification is used for tailoring decisions regarding the need and degree of postoperative thyrotropin [TSH] suppression and the need for adjuvant therapy (like radioactive iodine [RAI] ablation) as well as the frequency and modality of …
ATA risk stratification system correctly predicts the chances of ...
In an effort to predict how patients with thyroid cancer will respond to the initial treatment, the ATA recommended to categorize the patients at the time of diagnosis into three risk groups: low, intermediate and high risk for recurrence or relapse of thyroid cancer.
The ATA Board of Directors selected a Task Force Chairman based on clinical experience with MTC and the absence of dogmatically held views in areas of recognized controversy. Task Force members were selected based on clinical and research expertise and included international scientists from the fields of endocrinology, ethics, genetics,
ATA Management Guidelines for Children with Thyroid Nodules …
2015年7月10日 · A diffusely infiltrative form of PTC may occur in children and should be considered in a clinically suspicious gland. Surgery (lobectomy + isthmusectomy) is favored over repeat FNA for most nodules with indeterminate cytology.
2009 ATA Risk. The prognostic significance of nodal metastases from papillary thyroid carcinoma can be stratified based on the size and number of metastatic lymph nodes, as well as the presence of extranodal extension. Randolph et al. Thyroid 2012
2015 American Thyroid Association Management Guidelines for …
2016年10月14日 · Thyroid nodules are very common, and thyroid cancer is currently the fifth leading cancer diagnosis in women. The American Thyroid Association has led the development and revision of guidelines for the management of patients with thyroid nodules and differentiated thyroid cancer (DTC).
Dynamic Risk Stratification Integrated with ATA Risk System for ...
2023年9月21日 · This study of a large cohort of PTC patients showed that the initial ATA risk criteria may be useful for improving the risk-adapted management of PTC patients based on the response to initial therapy.