ATA SGSPRO tungsten carbide burs are manufactured to the highest standards. As the worlds leading bur manufacturer, our extensive product portfolio offers the most comprehensive range of burs to suit every de burring application.
Catalogues | ATA
Our COMPLETE PRODUCT CATALOGUE features a huge range of products with extensive details on product specification, cutting data, high-quality visuals, and ‘easy to find’ indexing to help you find the right tool easier and faster. Click through online. Order a physical copy. Please complete the form to receive your free physical copy.
SGSPRO Carbide Bur Catalogue - ATA Group - DirectIndustry
SGSPRO tungsten carbide burs are manufactured in compliance with the highest standards. Our comprehensive product portfolio offers a broad range of reliable and market-proven solutions for every application.
ATA Tools - Products, Info, & Downloads - Tooling Solutions
ATA Tools Inc. manufactures and supplies SGS burs & FGRs to a wide cross section of industrial sectors including: aerospace, power generation, automotive, marine, oil and gas, construction and precision engineering.
ATA Tools SGSPRO Universal Set 18261 - Double Cut - R.S. Hughes
The ATA Tools SGSPRO universal set is easy to use. This SKU has a 1/4 in diameter. Another important consideration is the Uncoated finish. The overall length measures Varies in Kit in. Packaged 1 per package. View technical details
このたびはsgspro製品カタログをご覧いただき誠にありがとうございます。 本書には新製品を含め超硬製品を掲載しておりますが、製品の品質、性能、及び仕様などにつきましては常に研究改良を加えておりますので内容が異なる場合もございます。 尚、これらのバール(ロータリーバー)製品はエアグラインダ用ハンドツールです。 ご使用にあたってはヘルメット、手袋、保護眼鏡等の保護具を着用ください。 又、製品の性質上機械加工に於ける精度保証は致しかねま …
SGSPRO Innovation Brochure AS Range - ATA Group - PDF …
sgspro ALLOY SPECIFIC RANGE Introducing the new Alloy Specific Bur range from SGSPRO Designed specifically to meet the most demanding metal finishing needs of high tech industries. The geometry has been specifically designed for use on Ni-Alloys & Ti-Alloys.
History - ATA
ATA acquires the burr division of US precision manufacturer SGS. ATA acquires UK based Garryson, a leading manufacturer of carbide and abrasive products. Management acquire overall control buying out equity partners, backed by AIB and Bank of Ireland. ATA acquires Karnasch, a leading German cutting and industrial tooling specialist.
ATA Tool Solid Carbide Burs Sets- American Made premium …
ATA tool solid Carbide Burs Sets are available in single cut, double cut and extra long shanks. For more information on SGS deburring tools see our SGS Burs Application Guide or SGS Burs Online Catalog
ATA Carnet Online - Your Passport for Goods - SGS
Apply for your ATA Carnet online via your chosen chamber of commerce using eCert. Permit the duty-free and tax-free temporary export and import of goods for up to one year.