Grey Screen on Boot-up - Atari-Forum
2014年2月14日 · When I boot-up this ST (520FM, 1.02, 2.5MB), I get a dark grey screen instead of the usual white; the dark grey reverts to white when the TOS screen appears and I'm …
SC1224 - grey screen with lines - Atari ST/TT/Falcon Computers ...
2022年4月20日 · I figured out that V.Size adjustable resistor (R616) had broken leg, so I fixed and right now I have grey screen see picture. This screen is without signal from atari st. I tried to …
1040STfm boot failure -> white screen/stripes [solved ... - Atari …
2019年7月29日 · First time I powered it on, I got to a grey screen and there was repeated floppy activity. Both power LED and disk LED was lit. After that, nothing more would happen. I was …
Atari ST grey/beige screen - no bootup??? - Atari-Forum
2005年8月25日 · When you turn the power on, I just get a grey/beige coloured screen - thats all. The green power light is on.. the orange light DOES NOT come on and TOS does not boot up. …
Atari 520 STFM white screen on power on. Doesnt boot to desktop
2021年6月13日 · Upon power on, all that is shown is a whitish grey screen. There is no activity from the floppy drive whatsoever and the LED does not come on. There is a faint low pitched …
1040STf Black and Grey Screen PROBLEM - Atari ST/TT/Falcon …
2022年2月10日 · Had my 1040STF sitting for about 6 months. I had done a 4mb mod and it was working great. I went to power it on and I just get a black screen with a light grey blocky …
Atari ST 1040 - restarts due to video cable malfunction
2024年11月8日 · I have an Atari ST 1040 STe. I use it together with SM124. I have a problem with the video cable. If I move the cable just a little bit (where the connector for the Atari is), the …
Atari ST - Deskthority wiki
Keycaps are double-shot light grey with brown letters, or on the Atari Falcon: dark grey with light letters. Most keys have cylindrical profile except for the backwards-L Return key which has a …
Atari ST no picture | Vintage Computer Federation Forums
2021年10月21日 · I have a Mega ST 4 that I picked up at VCFSW in '23. It's been fully recapped (board and PSU) with all new TOS ROM chips flashed. I have a known working SC1224 …
Atari 520STFM startup - UK Vintage Radio Repair and Restoration ...
2008年3月8日 · According to the book 'Atari ST Internals' the boot up grey screen is an indication that a RAM memory check is being carried out. However some models also show a black bar …