Some POV-Ray animations - accxess.se
Animation made with POV-Ray 1.0 on Atari ST. Rendered on PC. Converted to 320 x 200 pixels in 16 colors (STE palette).
Atari ST GFA Raytrace : scans, dump, download, screenshots, ads, …
GFA Raytrace for Atari ST by ST Format, [n/a], screenshot, dump, ads, commercial, instruction, catalogs, roms, review, scans, tips, video
Persistence Of Vision - Demozoo
2017年5月17日 · Persistence Of Vision, or POV, started in 1987 as a Atari ST demo packing and demo writing crew. The crew was formed by Mac Sys Data who wrote virtually all the POV menus. Most people will recognise the POV name but relate it to the now famous ray tracing program that took the same name.
AtariCrypt: Persistence Of Vision - Blogger
Persistence Of Vision (aka POV) was one of the best demo-packers for the Atari ST. They made 165 compilation disks, most programmed by Mac Sys Data, with members including Ozymandias, Boris, Gonzo, Aly, and Dr Syne. Numerous disks featured music by Tao, Lotus, An Cool, David Whittaker, Ben Daglish, and more.
POV-Ray – The Persistence of Vision Raytracer (2021) - Hacker News
2024年6月11日 · In 1991 or 1992 I used POV-Ray on my Atari ST to create some title screens for some home videos. Completely gratuitous marble text infront of a glass ball on top of water type of stuff, which took all night to render, but it was fun, and crucially free.
Atari ST/TT/Falcon Computers - AtariAge Forums
2003年7月27日 · POV can be found on the Umich Atari Archive. No idea if it is the latest version though. http://www.umich.edu/~archive/atari/Graphi...s/Raytrace/Pov/ Robert
Atari Phile 04/: POV Raytracing - stcarchiv.de
You should now be able to place various shapes wherever you like in 3D, define their colours and the lighting, and finally raytrace it. In this tutorial, I will demonstrate the basics of a very powerful part of POV-Ray, the Construtive Solid Geometry (CSG), and how to use the supplied textures and colours. What is CSG then?
In 1991 or 1992 I used POV-Ray on my Atari ST to create some …
In 1991 or 1992 I used POV-Ray on my Atari ST to create some title screens for some home videos. Completely gratuitous marble text infront of a glass ball on top of water type of stuff, which took all night to render, but it was fun, and crucially free.
POV-Ray – create stunning three-dimensional graphics
2023年11月5日 · Emulate home computers including the Commodore 64, Amiga, Atari ST, ZX81, Amstrad CPC, and ZX Spectrum. Now and Then examines how promising open source software fared over the years. It can be a bumpy ride.
POV-Ray Films - comp.sys.atari.st.narkive.com
You know about Persistence Of Vision, POV-Ray, the oldest ray-tracing software that runs on ATARI machines, don't you ?