Asherah - Wikipedia
Asherah was an important Goddess recognized across Northwest Semitic cultures. However, particularly in the Hebrew Bible, the term asherah and sometimes asherot, came to be …
Athirat - Encyclopedia.com
ATHIRAT, called Ashiratum or Ashratum in Old Babylonian texts, was a West Semitic goddess, worshiped in Syria in the second millennium bce and still widely attested in southern Arabia in …
In Search of Asherah: The Lost Hebrew Goddess - Femmina Classica
For perhaps hundreds of years before Abraham (ca 2200-1700 BCE) migrated to what would become known as Israel, Asherah was revered as Athirat, Earth Mother and Fertility Goddess. …
Asherah: The goddess in ancient Semitic religions
2025年1月23日 · Asherah is a significant figure in the pantheon of ancient Semitic religions, associated with fertility, motherhood, and creation. Her presence is documented across …
She is portrayed as a powerful deity, a mother of gods, a consort of El, a wet nurse to men and gods, and a goddess of the sea. In Ugarit she is called Athirat, but is also known to us as …
Asherah: God’s Forgotten Wife - Ancient Origins
2018年8月26日 · Asherah figures prominently as the wife of El—the supreme god—in a treasure trove of cuneiform texts found in the second millennium port city of Ugarit (in today’s Northern …
Athirat-of-the-Sea, the Phoenician Mother Goddess - Thalia Took
Athirat is the Canaanite earth and mother Goddess, called "Creator of the Gods", who is also known as Asherah. The God El, (the name just means "God") is Her brother and husband; …
Asherah and the Asherim: Goddess or Cult Symbol?
2024年7月23日 · The Ugaritic texts provide the most insight into the goddess. Ras Shamra (located on the Syrian coast) texts, discovered in 1929, portray her as Athirat, the wife of El. …
Facts About the Goddess Athirat – Unexplainable.net
2011年8月24日 · Athirat was known as the Canaanite Earth and Mother Goddess. Because of this, she was often referred to as “Creator of the Gods.” In this article you will find a collection …
Asherah, Astarte, Anat, Athirat in Ancient Ugarit | Samizdat
2015年6月25日 · As such, it can be attached to almost any goddess, including the whole of the A-team: Anat, Astarte, Asherah and Athirat. The question is: did there exist an independent …