virulence genes (aggR, astA, pic, aaiA, aatA, and aaiG) of EAEC and HEp-2 cell adhesion test – the gold standard assay of EAEC were performed on the isolated E. coli strains. The EAEC positivity is determined according to following five
菌株主要携带的毒力基因为astA(42 株)、estIb(25 株)、pic(15 株)、escV(14 株)、aggR(14 株);最常见的毒力基因组合为astA + estIb(25 株)。 进一步分析发现,携带astA、estIb 基因的O148 和
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High-precision 8/16/24 MHz factory-trimmed internal RC oscillator. In-application trimming access for frequency adjustment. Up to 48 I/O lines with external interrupt capability (edge or level), debouncing, glitch filtering and on-die series resistor termination.
北京市朝阳区腹泻患者致泻性大肠埃希菌流行特征及毒力基因携带 …
其中利用eae、stx1、stx2、lt、st、aggR和ipaH 7种毒力基因进行DEC的分型鉴定,此外,检测并分析bfpA、astA、escV、pic、perA、ehxA、pet和ipaBCD等重要的毒力基因分布情况。
pic、aggR中至少有1个为阳性。所有菌株种属基因uidA 都应为阳性。astA、pic基因可在细菌间转移,当与其他毒 力基因同时阳性时不作为型别判断依据。 1.3.3 药敏试验 采用MIC和美国临床和实验室标 准协会(Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute, CLSI)[3]的评价标准。
The detection of six virulence genes (aggR, astA, pic, aaiA, aatA, and aaiG) of EAEC and HEp-2 cell adhesion test – the gold standard assay of EAEC were performed on the isolated E. coli strains.
基于6种肠集聚性大肠埃希菌毒力基因检测诊断效果评价-论文-万方 …
目的 对肠集聚性大肠埃希菌(EAEC)分子诊断方法进行性能评价.方法 对2015年1月—2019年12月上海市浦东新区腹泻门诊病例粪便样本分别进行大肠埃希菌分离鉴定,并对分离株进行"金标准"HEp-2细胞粘附试验和6种毒力基因检测(aggR、astA、pic、aaiA、aatA、aaiG).根据不同基因 ...
Efficiency of six virulence genes detection versus HEp-2 cell …
The detection of six virulence genes (aggR, astA, pic, aaiA, aatA, and aaiG) of EAEC and HEp-2 cell adhesion test – the gold standard assay of EAEC were performed on the isolated E. coli strains.
2021年1月21日 · Quality risk management is a systematic process for the assessment, control, communication and review of risks to the quality of the medicinal product. It can be applied both proactively and retrospectively. The quality risk management system should ensure that: 质量风险管理是评估、控制、沟通和审查药品质量风险的系统过程。 它既可以主动应用, 也可以追溯应用。 质量风险管理体系应确保:
| Continued sepA, pic, sigA, pet, astA, aap, aggR, aaiC, aatA, ORF3 ...
EAEC strains with the combination of the aatA and astA genes were associated with prolonged diarrhea with a higher median duration (38 days) compared with EAEC strains lacking the astA gene and...