Nypa fruticans - Wikipedia
Nypa fruticans, commonly known as the nipa palm (or simply nipa, from Malay: nipah) or mangrove palm, [4] is a species of palm native to the coastlines and estuarine habitats of the …
Nipa palm Facts and Health Benefits
2019年11月11日 · Leaves have 120 leaflets per leaf and has shiny green upper and powdery lower surface. Rhizomes and leaf bases are light and spongy. Inflorescences are yellow, …
Nipah Palm - Nypa fruticans
2013年2月15日 · The Nipah Palm is the most widely utilised mangrove species, with products obtained from the leaves, inflorescences, and fruits. The most noticable of all in present day …
NParks | Nypa fruticans - National Parks Board
Food (Fruit or Vegetable): Young translucent-white chewy seeds ('attap chee') edible, usually boiled in sugar syrup and added to local deserts. Inflorescence stalk cut off before flowers …
wild shores of singapore: Attap roofs back in fashion - Blogger
2010年8月23日 · MARANG: The traditional thatched roof, or attap made of nipah palm leaves, has made a comeback in recent years and 20 senior citizens in Kampung Jenang here have …
ᐉ Types Of Nipa Palm - A Complete Beginner's Guide
2024年10月21日 · Nipa fruit, also called attap fruit, looks like someone took a bunch of coconuts, shrunk them down, and glued them together into a spiky ball. It’s nature’s own version of a …
taxo4254 - Nypa fruticans
Having a popular local Singapore dessert - Ice Kachang or Chendol - and you wonder what is that oval, sweet and translucent white jelly? It is 'attap chee', which means 'attap seed', that comes …
Nypa fruticans - SpringerLink
2011年1月1日 · Dried fronds are used as roofing material for thatched houses and dwellings and is called attap in Malay and nipa in the Philippines and for house walls. Leaflets and mid ribs …
mangrove flora: nipah palm (nypa fruiticans) - National University …
Found in area of low salinities and calm water. The mature leaves are used for thatching material and young leaves for cigarette-wrappers. The sap from the inflorescence stalk can be used to …
ᐉ Nipa Palm Fruit - Exotic fruits and vegetables
There, nestled in the brackish waters of a coastal mangrove forest, I first encountered Nypa fruticans, commonly known as the nipa palm or attap palm. The locals called it by various …