MH-Tiny ATtiny88 and Digispark - Arduino Forum
2022年7月20日 · It's like a Nano, but uses the ATtiny88 processor. And what puzzles me is that the 88 datasheet shows no USB function, but the board has no USB-to-UART chip. From what …
Practical help uploading programs to ATTiny88 board
2023年5月26日 · I have an old PC (Win XP) in my shed workshop that has no internet access. (I use it for my digital 'scope, and referring to circuit data etc.) When necessary I transfer files …
ATTiny88 Comparator usage - Programming - Arduino Forum
2021年9月29日 · Hi All, I am embarking on a new project. I beleive the ATTiny88 has a built in comparator. As speed is not a problem is it worth trying to use it or just compare 2 I/Ps, 1 of …
Is Attiny88 pin compatible with Arduino (ATMega 328)?
2019年6月10日 · Hi, I am looking to use the ATTiny88 MCU for a battery powered wireless application which has been tested to work using an Arduino UNO. **My question is: ** Is …
Attiny88 non reconnu - Français - Arduino Forum
2021年12月30日 · Bonjour à tous, voici mon petit souci: lorsque je branche une carte MH-ET LIVE Attiny88 sur mon PC (WIN 10), celui-ci ne reconnait pas le port USB. Si je vais dans le …
Pin Change Interrupts (attiny88- MH-TINY) IM STUCK
2022年7月17日 · Transmitter is an Attiny88 MHTINY Version connected to an rf24 module. Receiver is a Arduino Micro with RF24. Its all gravy except for the part where I try to …
.hex file for AtTiny88 - 3rd Party Boards - Arduino Forum
2014年12月14日 · Hi guys, I'm looking for the .hex file for my AtTiny88. I've found some .hex files but the Tiny88 is not supported there. Maybe someone has this file and can post it here. thx 😉 allo
Attiny88 Low power - 3rd Party Boards - Arduino Forum
2022年10月6日 · My ATTiny88 datasheet has a section 7 called "Power Management and Sleep Modes". Might be worth a read of that especially the section "Minimizing Power Consumption".
Attiny88, mlx90614 et Tm1637 - Français - Arduino Forum
2021年11月3日 · Bonjour à tous ! Je me suis lancé dans un projet en apparence très simple qui consiste à afficher la température d'un objet à l'aide d'un capteur infra-rouge MLX90614 et la …
Attiny88 Development Board Problem - Arduino Forum
2024年3月1日 · Hi, I decided to do wireless button box with using attiny88 development board as a transmitter, arduino pro micro as a receiver. Both of them use NRF24L01 for communication. …