Automated Guided Vehicle Systems in Use at Audi
2021年5月28日 · Perfect for Intralogistics: Automated Guided Vehicle (AGV) Systems. Automated material transport solutions are particularly ideal for automotive manufacturing. AGV systems can be connected directly to production planning processes via digital interfaces, so they always know when which components need to be available in which area of production.
Smart AGVs for the Audi A8 production - YouTube
2019年5月7日 · The manufacturing of the new Audi A8 in Neckarsulm follows the principles of the smart factory. The core piece for the intelligent process network consists of 30 Automated Guided Vehicles (AGVs),...
Audi’s logistics part 1: Prepared for a new reality
2018年1月4日 · There are two main types of AGV that Audi is currently developing. The Audi Laser Tracking System can recognise and guide a group of driverless transport vehicles, similar to the way truck platooning works.
奥迪的数字化供应链揭秘,如何使用大数据、AGV、无人机、RFID …
2018年1月25日 · 奥迪目前正在开发agv有两种主要类型,主要原理是奥迪激光跟踪系统可以识别和引导一组无人驾驶运输车辆,类似卡车排队工作的方式。 移动单元上的中央计算机通过使用激光扫描器的反射器来定位其他运输者,然后通过无线电向他们提供运输命令以创建自主 ...
Audi AGV – AllAboutLean.com
2017年2月24日 · AGV at Audi’s smart factory in Neckarsulm. From the Audi Media Center Audi TechDay Smart Factory press kit. According to Audi their media Center is a “service of Audi Communications for journalists, bloggers and online multipliers”, hence I believe I …
奥迪工厂多年来一直使用自动导向车辆(AGV)。 这些车辆有助于超市-物流区,在那里员工可以按照正确的顺序预先挑选部件。 该公司在超市2.0中首次颠倒了排序原则。 在这里,商品会流向员工,而不是反过来。 这一切都得益于奥迪专家与英戈尔施塔特的初创企业arculus共同开发的创新控制软件。 过去,员工在拣货时通常要走很远的路。 超级市场2.0首次在大规模上实现了货到人原则。 AGV带着必要的部件在集装箱下方滚动,并按正确的顺序将其运输到固定的拣货站。 在 …
Reference: Audi | WEWO Techmotion
Audi is looking to make its production future-proof, always aiming for increased flexibility and efficiency in the process. As a specialist in internal transport, this renowned company has asked us to come up with ideas for new AGV solution.
AGV | Automated Guided Vehicle | WEWO Techmotion
AGV for working smarter and more efficiently. When developing our automated guided vehicles, we have a clear focus on optimisation and the flexibility of the process for you as our customer. Furthermore, our AGVs can be used to improve your competitive position. Thanks to AGVs, work can be carried out smarter and more efficiently.
Automated guided vehicle systems in use at Audi
2019年12月10日 · Automated guided vehicle (AGV) systems can be connected directly to production planning processes via digital interfaces, so they know at all times when which components need to be available in which area of production. In an ideal scenario, warehouse staff also receive their loading list in an entirely digital format on a tablet.
5G URLLC - Industrial factory automation - Ericsson
Partnering with Audi has allowed us to push the boundaries of 5G technologies for Critical IoT automation applications in smart factories, with 5G Ultra-Reliable Low-Latency Communication (URLLC) delivering the strict latency and reliability demands of industrial automation.